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Reached the Level of Self-Sufficiency!

Hi Guys,

We've all reached momentous moments in our lives such as:

First steps
Riding a 2 wheel bicycle
Being able to swim
Being able to drive

Well at age 46, I feel that I've just reached another of these moments.

This morning I achieved a good shave from a vintage straight that I restored and honed myself. I actually probably acheved this last week, with another vintage razor, but just to be sure I cleaned and honed another (the first time, I though that it may have been sheer luck that I had achieved a keen edge)

I must admit that I've been trying this hone and shave test for about 6 months.

So, 6 months ago, I've never even tried to shave with a Straight, I say that this morning I achieved a 'good' shave - not 'great' but I think this is all to do with my lack of experience in straight shaving and not in the sharpness of the blade.

It's a nice feeling though - I imagine a little like early man starting a fire from a few sticks and a flint and cooking a meal.
That is one of the greatest feelings.. The knowledge that the quality of your shave depends entirely on yourself!

Like you, I enjoy the feeling of independence that it provides...

Thumbs up!
I remember when I reached that stage.

Boy it felt good. Knowing that you got a good shave from entirely your own efforts.
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