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new use for blades

I recently purchased a shavette and a box of 100 single edged half blades. Personally it wasn't an enjoyable shave but I found that if I used the half blades in my double edge razor that it was finally a good close shave. Always try your blades in a different razor. Happy Shaving
I recently purchased a shavette and a box of 100 single edged half blades. Personally it wasn't an enjoyable shave but I found that if I used the half blades in my double edge razor that it was finally a good close shave. Always try your blades in a different razor. Happy Shaving

How did you mount the half blades in the DE razor?
If you found the shavette too unforgiving, consider trying other blades. It's about finding a good match. I've heard Derby blades, which are universally panned, are actually good in the Parker SR1 Shavette (just an example). As always, YMMV.
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