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B&B Fall Foliage Reports 2016

Attention Leaf Peepers: Badger and Blade has a world wide membership. What better place to get your fall foliage reports but right here. So lets hear it guys and gals.

How is it looking in your area?

Syracuse New York has no real change.
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In triad part of NC, it's been dryer then normal so they say it's going to be duller year and earlier year.But, I haven't seen any change as of today..
Does temp or available daylight cause the change? Or a combo of both?
That's an interesting question. I suppose I could google it, but I'd rather just speculate while trying to sound knowledgeable. Here goes: I believe it's a combination of the two factors (now I'll look it up...).

"The timing of color change and leaf fall are primarily regulated by the calendar, that is, the increasing length of night. None of the other environmental influences-temperature, rainfall, food supply, and so on-are as unvarying as the steadily increasing length of night during autumn. As days grow shorter, and nights grow longer and cooler, biochemical processes in the leaf begin to paint the landscape with Nature's autumn palette." -- https://www.na.fs.fed.us/fhp/pubs/leaves/leaves.shtm


For the record, Pittsburgh's unchanged. I'll post pictures when it does.
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Here in the Piedmont region of NC the leaves have not changed color but the tide has turned. Trees are beginning to drop a couple of leaves here and there, just enough to notice.
Tony, I take it back. I looked on my way home and the maples are already starting to change (they're always first) so probably the beginning of October and things will be a riot of color.

Getting there....
In South-East Louisiana, our trees still have green leaves. They will likely continue to have them until about a week before Christmas, when all the leaves will suddenly disappear.
Pretty slight changes up here in Green Bay/Northeast Wisconsin ... See a few trees (maples) with the tops starting to turn, though I suspect those are trees that aren't terribly healthy or are small.

Our big maple in the backyard is still as green as can be.

One of my favorite parts of our neighborhood is this in the fall


The trees on either side of the road create this gorgeous fall colored canopy ... I'll miss it when we move.
I took a b7nch of pics from the seat of the truck. Ill try to post up some in a day or two. Forgive the lirrow and dirty windows. But sence i drive the mountains of Colorado i see the colors so much i dont evan notice much. Ill share. Just in a couple days.
I took a b7nch of pics from the seat of the truck. Ill try to post up some in a day or two. Forgive the lirrow and dirty windows. But sence i drive the mountains of Colorado i see the colors so much i dont evan notice much. Ill share. Just in a couple days.



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Nothing much to speak of here in the Cuff of the Great Mitten, though there are willow and locust leaves starting to drift down and some yellowing. We're probably a month away from prime time .. I saw a Color Report yesterday that said even the UP was not showing yet
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