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What Is Your Go To Rye?

I've tried the following rye whiskeys in Old-Fashioneds and Manhattans:

George Dickel
Wild Turkey
Jim Beam
Old Overholt

At the moment the Wild Turkey is my favorite, though I've yet to try Rittenhouse. Was curious as to what rye whiskey you gents like as your "go to."


Fussy Evil Genius
Sazerac is what I've been keeping around, lately. Wild Turkey or Bulleit will do fine.
Old Overholt for me. I used to prefer the Wild Turkey 101, but I can't find it anymore.

+1, it disappeared completely from the Chicago area liquor mega chain for a bit but now can be found in 1L sizes only. Not sure why the 750mL bottles seem to be left out...
My favorite has been Sazerac 6. Noticed the price has gone up recently locally, though. Just finished a bottle of Dickel (liked it much better than the TN Whisky). Templeton is good, but comes from MGP, so I don't think it is really distinctive. I still have a couple ounces of Templeton left, so I need to think about the next bottle. Might go back to Bulleit which is plenty good for the $$.
I try to keep Sazerac on my shelf but it is not always available to me.
I always have a bottle of Rittenhouse 100 BIB.

I have others also but I strive to always have those.
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