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Not cheaper than plastic razor

Unless like most of us you go nuts and want a sample of EVERYTHING, just because you can, it's certainly a way cheaper long run option. Cheap creams from the drug store, a couple Arko sticks so you have a soap option, a ten buck Maggard brush, cheap, say, Lord Tech or something and a 20 cent blade every week. Stick with that for a few years, then compare that end cost to a few years of canned gel and Cartridge blades!
Once the AD settles down you will save money.


It all really boils down to this. You'll find your budget and the saturation point of your storage space and the expenditures will level out.

However, if you rent a storage locker for your overflow gear you may have AD.
I'm another shaver who returned to DE to save money. 25 razors, 30 soaps, 10 brushes, dozens of aftershaves and hundreds of blades later....well.
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