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UPS Driver Fail

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Spot any violations?

PS...it's not a one way street.

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Hopefully he will be after UPS follows up with them. I sent them an email with the details. They at least showed interest and said they would deal with it.

Snitch! You don't realize the time crunch these drivers are under. They do not park their trucks there all day or for even 2 minutes! They are in and out. You being a Dudley Do-Right could be costing this guy his job.


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Snitch! You don't realize the time crunch these drivers are under. They do not park their trucks there all day or for even 2 minutes! They are in and out. You being a Dudley Do-Right could be costing this guy his job.
Then don't park like a jackass and and block a fire lane in front of a school that my kids are in.

As slim as the potential for the fire hydrant to be needed to be accessed at that exact time, it's not worth risking and he was wrong to do so. Not only was this idiot in front of a fire hydrant outside a school, he was on the wrong side of the freaking road. How you can defend him is beyond me.

If he doesn't like driving a truck and following the rules, he needs to get a new job. Sorry, but there is absolutely zero excuse for him parking here, there were plenty of other spots. He was in there for a minimum of 5 minutes. But even for 10 sec, he was wrong and I'd do it again in a heartbeat.
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Then don't park like a jackass and and block a fire lane in front of a school that my kids are in.

As slim as the potential for the fire hydrant to be needed to be accessed at that exact time, it's not worth risking and he was wrong to do so. Not only was this idiot in front of a fire hydrant outside a school, he was on the wrong side of the freaking road. How you can defend him is beyond me.

If he doesn't like driving a truck and following the rules, he needs to get a new job. Sorry, but there is absolutely zero excuse for him parking here, there were plenty of other spots. He was in there for a minimum of 5 minutes. But even for 10 sec, he was wrong and I'd do it again in a heartbeat.

You are such a nice guy.
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System Generated
You are such a nice guy.
No need for sarcasm, I already know how you feel.

You insulted me personally by calling me a snitch and referring to me as DuddleyDoRight already, I can take whatever you got. If you have something to say, just say it.

I stand by all my posts and actions taken in regards to the UPS driver incident. He was in the wrong, got caught and should be told not to drive and park like this. I'm glad I reported him.
Wow. This is the first time I've seen tension in the forums. Kinda sad.

The UPS driver is in the wrong. Yes, they're under a lot of pressure but he/she has free spots before and after the hydrant. So why block the hydrant? I see many people who are under "pressure" every day and they feel they can do what they want, like turn on their hazard lights and block a lane just so their family member doesn't have to walk a block to pick up the to-go food order from the restaurant or run a red light since they're late to work.

I think society suffers when people determine that they are too busy for the rules to apply to them.
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