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iPhone 5C Photo Scanner App

for iPhone, simplest solution is to capture well-lit picture of your artwork with the iPhone, being careful to hold still (prop phone against something solid if you can), even light, parallel to the art, focus on the center point.
for 4x6 in photo, you might end up 8-12 inches away from the artwork.
test both with and without flash to see what is best for your artwork.
most iPhone photo editing apps can then sharpen, crop, tone the scanned image.
i use an app called 'snapped'.
there is also a document-oriented app called jotnot that has OCR ability to translate scanned documents into text or PDF.
probably tons of 'how to's' on the internet about this.
good luck!
I currently have both iCloud and OneDrive on my iPhone, so am fixed for storage. Was looking for an app that would provide a better quality reproduction than just free-hand taking a picture of a snapshot. The two I mentioned create albums, some editing, and some captioning. One that would correct angle errors would be nice, but that only appears to be a feature of some "document" scanning apps. Don't know why since it appears the same problem would exist in "scanning" photos. About to settle on trying Pic Scanner, mostly because it sounds like it is easier to send to storage sites and is a little less restrictive in captioning.
It kind of sounds like holding the camera correctly, and possibly lighting is much more important than the actual application. I think what you should be looking for is an iphone equivalent of an old school copy stand. A copy stand would be from the days where you have a pasteup, text or even just pictures to copy for reproduction. They hold the camera exactly the right height above the work at exactly the right angle. They usually have lights that shine in at the correct angle to eliminate glare.

for the phone, something like this looks like its a good start.


I also typed in iphone copy stand, and saw a lot of different designs. Since the lens is fixed, it would be good to design the stand for the exact height to perfectly capture the size of the picture with little or no cropping.

From there, the actual app does not really matter. The default camera app is a really darn good camera. Other apps might give you better archiving and tagging capabilities, and ability to upload to any cloud storage you happen to have, which is probably what you need for this project. I'd honestly try to get the copy stand and lighting working so you don't have to tweak it in the phone ( or tweak very little). m
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