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Random discovery about cartridges

Like I posted here awhile ago, I bought a Cross Bailey. It came with 5 cartridges, and I really liked the pen. The only problem was that it skipped, and wouldn't start immediately. I ended up rinsing the pen, and being a little impatient, I put cartridge back in before the pen was totally dry. The added moisture helped the pen run well for awhile, until it dried up again. I refilled the cartridge, even though it wasn't totally empty, with some Parker Quink. It mixed and diluted the ink a little, and it's running much better now. Just an FYI for those who are having a similar problem. (But use this tip at your own risk)


Lunatic Fringe
Staff member
Believe it or not the water will evaporate out of a sealed cartridge (osmosis? diffusion? I'm no chemist ...), the vapor actually passes through the plastic. Your pen may have been sitting on the shelf for a good while -- were they less than full?

Simple enough to re-hydrate the cart with distilled water with a syringe. That sounds like what you did with the Quink, it still may be a little concentrated. Glad it's working better for your writing pleasure!
Just be careful with mixing certain brands or types of ink. Best to try mixing them outside of a pen first and checking if anything unusual happens. Personally, whenever I change brands, types, or colors, I thoroughly clean the pen first to remove any traces of the old ink.
Just be careful with mixing certain brands or types of ink. Best to try mixing them outside of a pen first and checking if anything unusual happens. Personally, whenever I change brands, types, or colors, I thoroughly clean the pen first to remove any traces of the old ink.

Seconded! There's nothing like scrubbing gel out of your feed to bring back all those lessons from high school chemistry.
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