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How any pairs of skivies should a man own?

When I was single, i made it a point to have 3 weeks worth.... in other words, 3 pair.... :lol: Seriously, 21 pair just in case I didn't make it to the laundromat on schedule. Now that I'm married with washing machine.... I have more stacked up clean than days in the month...
I celebrated my 2014 birthday by buying myself new underwear ... 8 packs each of boxer-briefs, crew-neck T-shirts and socks.

So I keep 5 sets in active rotation, and another 3 that remain factory fresh. I do laundry about twice a week.

BTW, the First Saturday in August is National Underwear Day ... http://ksoo.com/national-underwear-day-really/
I have about 50 pair, but I also keep two go-bags. Assume the worst, and plan on being stuck for two weeks without a washer. That's 14 pr., and include the current week. So a total of 21.

And put a name tag in them, like your mother did when you went to overnight camp.....
Couldn't even begin to tell you how many are around here. I've cheated a few times & just bought a new pack or two when I've been lazy or the laundry machines are tied up.
The ones I buy come in five packs.

I bought two packs so I have 10. Sunday is laundry day (own a house with washer & dryer)

They should sell them in 7 packs but those sneaky bastards know you'll buy more to get through the week.
Depends how often you do laundry. I do it pretty much every day so 3 pairs can do it. Same ones are always on the top of the pile anyways so unless you've got favorites for special occassions it's the same few pairs being worn day in and day out.

Add a few to that for the gym, hockey, sweaty days, emergencies etc..

I probably own a bit more then a weeks worth but with the wash schedule only a few are in constant rotation.
Not really sure. Probably around 10 pairs or so for "every day" use. I have a couple that I only wear when running.

I'd say if you DON'T have enough, you'll know. :)
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