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New TOBS lime?

Anyone tried this yet?

This is old - very old. Taylor's took over the production of it from another maker whose name escapes me right now. But that old maker called it "Royal Yacht". I *think* this switched over in the 1940's or 1950's? Anyway it's been around decades. My bottle from Taylor's is at least a decade old. It's excellent stuff. Not a straight lime but a woody long lasting lime. It's class in a bottle on par with Blenheim Bouquet (though NOT the same scent, just the same high type of quality).

Hope that helps.

I have both the cologne and the aftershave. I enjoy the scent very much. For me it is a classy, scent, citrus and powdery.

It disappeared from their website at the end of last year. I read that it was being reformulated.

I managed to pick up some from Italian Barber. I see they have it in stock again. Not sure if it was changed.
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Yeah, it's one of the few lime scents that actually lasts longer than an hour. It's citrusy, powdery, slightly floral...I like it. I should dig my bottle out.

I clicked on this thread because I thought it was going to be about a "new" TOBS lime frag based on their lime soap scent. Haha!
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