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Orpahn Black

This is one of the most intriguing shows I have seen. I have watched the first two season via Amazon Prime. I thought season two was a bit too clever at times and a bit darker even than the first season. Alison is my favourite characterisation of them all. Though of course they all look alike the way they make them up gives them each a completely different personality, which also goes to Tatiana Maslany's acting. She really does turn each clone into their own person. That's a lot of stuff to keep straight. Alison is a complete hoot. The ultimate cutey soccer mom she is also just off balanced enough to be deadly. And then feels genuinely horrible about it. The acting is superb. I do wish they would have kept Matthew Frewer around longer. He is a top shelf actor and his connection to the clones was big I thought. Anyway, we'll see how it goes. Does BBC America stream anything on website or from Hulu? I am a cord cutter and usually have to wait for months for these to show up on Amazon.
I got distracted halfway through season 2 and am only catching up now. One episode left and then I'm ready for...yesterday? Oops.
I just watched the first episode of season 3. Seemed strangely annoying. Really hard to follow. I have really liked this show.
I'm really enjoying the show and now I got my daughter hooked on it. The season 3 opener was a little hard to follow, I can't say that I'm sure I know what's happening. What's going on with Delphine? I think my favorite clone is Alison and like a previous poster said, I think she's a hoot! Felix can be a hoot too. On a different plane, I like Helena a lot as well. She's someone you don't want to mess around with. I really like the vibe and feel of the show where the women have been the central focus of attention. I'm hoping that the show doesn't take a turn for worse with Project Castor and the shifting some of the attention to the male clones.
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It's hard for me find (no cable). I've been watching it on xbox video for 1.99 per episode. One of the only shows I would actually consider buying like this.


Here I am, 1st again.
At 8:00 EST tonight on WCET is that Charles Dickens show, " Edwin Drood". That channel 14 free TV.
How Tatiana Maslany hasn't gotten an Emmy or something for her work on this is beyond me. I'm not a regular viewer, but my wife PVR's and every once in awhile I'll watch a bit. I'm always impressed with Maslany...especially the dreadlocked Russian and the uptight PTA mom clones.
And it's Canadian, eh?
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