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Rotation question

Now that I have more than one razor in my rotation, I was wondering how you gents handle keeping track of your blade usage in each razor. I cannot imagine switching blades to a different razor each time you change Any advice?
Now that I have more than one razor in my rotation, I was wondering how you gents handle keeping track of your blade usage in each razor. I cannot imagine switching blades to a different razor each time you change Any advice?
I always remove my blade from the razor after each shave. I put it in it's original box and put in my drawer. No problem keeping track since I chuck all blades after 3 shaves.

Imagine it. Switching blades with every razor change is exactly what I do. What does it take, 5 seconds for TTO and 15 seconds for a 3 piece? Furthermore, you should want to remove the blade from the razor, rinse and dry it (with alcohol) properly after every shave.
Some guys use dice to keep count on their blades. I used the "what blade did you use today" thread when I have more than one blade going. Usually I just keep the same blade and change it from razor to razor, if I change razors at all for the life of the blade.
I rotate due to travel, and only once due to preference at home. I somehow have it in the back of my head about how long I used the blade in one of the razors. With one travel kit, I know how long I have been on the road. With another, I know how many consecutive days I have used the fitness facility. The one time rotating at home, I figure I used a blade a couple times before rotating to another razor. When it is time to discard the blade, I may switch razors and the other can live out its blade life for two or three more shaves. My habit is about 5 shaves and out. At worst, I may end up using one blade for up to 10 shaves, which may really not be so bad.
I use the same blade in the same razor for the two/three ish shaves I get out of them, then switch razors. If I have a couple days growth or more then I use my Futur or R41 and put in a new blade, which I may or may not move to a different razor to use up.

No matter what, I open up the razor, clean it and the blade and put away, so doesn't really matter.
I use Ladas blades exclusively, at this time. I use a blade in my Parker 24C until the blade wears out. Then, I put a fresh blade in my EJ DE8911, shave with that razor/blade until the blade wears out. Then, its back to the Parker.
I rarely use a DE/SE anymore, primarily as a straight shaver. So I have blades that sit in the razors for who knows how long. I don't count shaves on them either. Even when I did shave just DEs, I simply used the blade until it was uncomfortable. I never saw a reason to count and toss blades, simply to do it. But I didn't have a lot of DEs either.

My straights, ready to shave stored one direction, rehones/touch ups the other direction works easily enough for me. So maybe that is similar.
I started out using dice, but as my technique improved, I found that I can use a blade for a couple of weeks or longer. Now I just rotate through the various razors and when I feel a blade is no longer sharp enough, I replace it.
Well, keeping count does not help, as you won't have a clear usage. Your face is the best judge. If a blade is getting duller, replace it. I personally don't bother with stuff like "i'm gonna use this blade X shaves", i just replace it when i feel it's getting duller. If it's happening on first pass, i'm replacing it in the middle of the shave.
I move the blade to a different razor when I switch things up. Usual rotation is change blades so I use the same blade Sunday - Wednesday, then a different blade Thursday - Saturday. (I'm serious when I say I get 3-4 shaves out of each blade).

The razor (or set of razors) I use generally depend on the blade I use. Currently going through a 10 pack of Treat black beauties. I rotate between my Fat Boy and my Slim - they like Treat blades.
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