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I'm done. Finished. I can't go on like this.

I've fallen into it again.

First it was the fancy guys with their shiny DE razors and sweet smellin' soaps. Now I've scrolled farther down the forum to find this.... this "Nib" as you call it. Don't you guys and gals ever get tired of being scolded and just give up?

That's all...

Nothing more...

Just ranting...

Good bye.

Ohh, and I just bought my first FP, a Lamy Safari and Z24 converter. Now I suppose I'll be needing some ink samples and a syringe, a new pad of paper, more ink samples, and eventually several more pens :angry:
Lamy is a nice starter pen, one of those pens that could be your only pen your whole life (laughs, cause we know whats going to happen anyway), enjoy it, and when your ready, we will support you with your next purchase, I mean not financially or anything, your on your own for that.... but emotionally totally there
does that make james tinkerbell?
Dont you have a flexy pen to go buy ? :lol:
You'll be HOOKED!!

p.s. Goulet has ink samples on sale ! (nole, I have no connection with them, just spreading the affliction :001_rolle)
If it's any consolation, I discovered nibs first and then a pen maker by the name of Brian Gray just had to mention this forum. It's been a bit of a downward spiral ever since.
p.s. Goulet has ink samples on sale !
So they do, and now I will have to buy another pen to help me get through all the samples I have on the way.

I wish there were some place local where I could hold some FPs in person but it appears as if my large city of Charlotte is FP dry.
Scolded? I've never been scolded, scaled, or scalded during my forays into the Nib. I have been enticed, entertained, and entwined.

My better half says it best. "This obsession is far cheaper than sports cars, skis, and yet-another-musical-instrument."
Don't forget stationary, matching envelopes, note book holders....
By the way, welcome to the nib! The lamy safari is an excellent pen. I have a couple and love em!
Its not a wand its a fountain pen silly. How did you think I signed Walt's checks ?
I opted for learning new handwriting styles to be a good suppressant for a while, but eventually you find a style that requires another pen, and it starts over...
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