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Wife's first comment since shaving transition

I have been into DE shaving for about seven mos. now and even though my wife is well aware of the change in my shaving hardware and software, she has never made any kind of comment about it. I went through my shower and shaving ritual this evening, getting ready for work.

I finished up, got dressed and got ready to leave. I kissed her good night, and as I headed for the door, she looked at me and said "your face is softer and smoother than mine!".

Just thought I would share that.

Same here, never got comments about my appearance before DE but even with 48 hours growth, my stubble is neater than ever. I'm getting BBS each shave and my wife's loving it. The scents are helping too because they are subtle and I "smell gooooood" according to my female friends.
Nice. I have a woman friend, retired as I am. At lunch a couple of months ago, outside at the glary Getty Villa, she turned to me and said, "OK, what's your secret? Your face looks great!" The week before, someone else had said the same thing.

Hmmm. "Geo. F. Trumper Coral Skin Food, tiny bit, twice a day, shave or not, all over my face." Notes were taken. Hubby was bought a bottle. She liked the results so much that she got her own. Happiness abounds.

Not as fun as your story, but quite interesting, as I had passed through sixtymumblemumble years without a word being said about my skin.
That's great!

Are you going to suggest she can also have a face as soft and smooth as yours?
No, I don't think I had better do that. I just looked back at her and smiled and I think I better leave it at that. First time in my life I ever got a compliment on my skin. Who would've thought. He! He!
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