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Starting my kid down the road to wet shaving

Good stuff gentlemen. I got my 14 year old into wet shaving this past April. He has taken to the brush, soaps and creams better than the Merkur. All in time though. He is still young and he still only shaving peach fuzz once a week.
Hello all. I have never been into trying different razors, always used a cartridge and any over the counter stuff I could find. My son is 12 and is slowly going through the stages but I don't know when to introduce the idea of shaving to him and I don't want him to use the cheap stuff like I did growing up. What is a good beginner razor (that isnt a cart.) and when is a good time to get him started? Thanks guys!

A Tech is mild for sure. Too mild IMO. I would start him with a nice, affordable 40s Super Speed. Mild AND efficient.
Great thread. I got my son a DE razor just before his 15th birthday. Got him some Voskhods and Wilkinson's, a tube of red Proraso and a cheap brush too. His first shave went well and he decided to keep using it. He's only 9 months in and I think he's actually better at it than I am! Ha!
Just today my son, a sophomore in college, borrowed my 52 Super Speed. Smitten, he came home from town with a puck of soap, grabbed a mug and then talked me out of a 67 slim adjustable too.
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