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Permanent scars?

A few days ago, I used an improper blade angle on one side of my face and gave myself bad razor burn. At the moment, I want this side of my face to heal, so I will not shave for a couple of days (no biggie).

Aside from this bad razor burn, I also notice some small red spots on that side. They are not, from what I understand, blood marks, since I seldom cut myself. I could imagine they are razor bumps, but these areas feel flat (if that makes sense).

Does anyone know what they are? Are they permanent? I am concerned about these.
Asking a forum about health issues isn't probably the best idea and any information you get should be taken with a grain of salt, only a Doctor can really tell you what is wrong. I suggest you take a little break from shaving and see what happens to the areas, if it does not get any better I would see a dermatologist if you are really worried about it.
Asking a forum about health issues isn't probably the best idea and any information you get should be taken with a grain of salt, only a Doctor can really tell you what is wrong. I suggest you take a little break from shaving and see what happens to the areas, if it does not get any better I would see a dermatologist if you are really worried about it.

#1. And I also suspect (but don't know) that within a month or so your face will be as if nothing untoward had happened. Our bodies can take a lot of abuse, harm, and punishment, and weather it quite well.
I agree. In my experience, nothing seems to help better for something like that than just letting your beard grow for a while
Hmm Ok turn your head please, thank you. Its nothing to worry about It will probably clear up on its own. If not come see me in a week or so.
Now where do i send the bill ?
Small red dots on my neck go hand in hand with razor burn. It's been awhile, but Feather blades in an aggressive razor were in play. The spots on my neck fade away in a day or two.
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As an update, after three days of healing, I decided to shave again. The terrible razor burn on the right side of my face did not return back, since I frequently used aloe vera. The red dots are fading away as well.

I also decided this afternoon to give myself two passes. WTG & ATG. I still received a close and comfortable shave without the third pass, which was XTG.

From now on, I'll do this.
As an update, after three days of healing, I decided to shave again. The terrible razor burn on the right side of my face did not return back, since I frequently used aloe vera. The red dots are fading away as well.

I also decided this afternoon to give myself two passes. WTG & ATG. I still received a close and comfortable shave without the third pass, which was XTG.

From now on, I'll do this.

Excellent. Thanks for reporting back.
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