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new, old, wet shaver in the Rockies

For a variety of reasons (economy, ecology, boredom) I've started DE shaving again, after about, oh, 45 years! Probably like a lot of others of you, I'm in my 60's, essentially retired and with a lot of time on my hands.

So far, so good. I got a Feather brand starter kit with their razor and two blades, and all is well. I've relearned the lesson that "more haste makes less speed," and am cut free since my second shave, when I was rushing to get to church.

Working my way through a 50 blade sample, and about to pick the new blade for today...where shall it be...Turkey, Russia, Japan, Egypt, India, Pakistan, Greece? Stainless, platinum? Like a world tour and a chemistry lesson, only cheaper.

Still using a can of Barbasol, as I want to keep my investment in soaps and cups and brushes down till I'm sure I'll keep with this. Mixed up some grape seed and olive oils for a shaving oil, very satisfactory. Happy enough with the Feather razor, though I have been looking on Ebay for something more interesting; suggestions/offers would be welcome. Maybe there's another, better place to look for such stuff? I lost my first two auctions and just won my third...a nifty, ball-end, gold-tone, Gillette...do folks post pics of their purchases?

Would love to hear from someone who'll tell me that straight razor shaving is really just as easy...I am game to try that, too, if it won't cost me an arm and a leg to begin...remember, this is all about saving a few cents here and there.

Thanks and best regards to all,

Welcome to B&B!

There is a sub-forum titled, "The Score" where people post pictures of stuff they purchased, found, etc. Although, I'm sure you are welcome to post a pic of your new razor here as well.

The notion of saving money seems to be a entry point for many. I hope you stick with DE shaving, and are able to not get carried away with too many purchases!
Welcome to the B & B forum Dave! Lots of shavers here with years of experience they are willing to share. I know you will enjoy the free exchange of information!
Greetings Dave! Welcome to B&B. Lots of friendly shavers here willing to help. You'll learn a lot here.


Now half as wise
A lot of us here that came back to the DE after a long hiatus. That ball end Tech was what I learned on many years ago!

As soon as that can of Barbasol is gone, I'm betting that a soap/brush purchase is just around the corner.

And welcome to B&B.
Hello and welcome, Dave. Great to have you here. As you have seen, B&B is a great place full of friendly, helpful shavers.
Welcome to the forum!

By all means, post pics of any purchases, and the mods don't seem too picky about where you post them. It's all about sharing info.

As for saving money, that's part of what got me interested. I've backed off on that stance since then, but there are certainly blades and soaps that offer a better bang for the buck.

The price of admission into soaps, brushes, and bowls can be pretty reasonable. I started with a Van Der Hagen (VDH) shave kit from WalMart for $25 ($35 on Amazon). It had a brush, bowl, soap, and razor/brush stand. I actually have a can of Barbasol in my cabinet as part of a Plan B. The other part involves a cartridge razor (gasp!). I only use it if I'm running late and have to shave. I've only had to resort to Plan B twice in the last 5 months.
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