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Happy birthday Leica.

Tried various R system cameras (R3,R4, R6.2), but never felt quite at home with SLRs so eventually migrated to the rangefinders instead - loved my M3 & M6, really felt at one with them and captured some great moments along the way - I do miss those. Still have a trusty Digilux 2, but aiming for an M at some point.
IIIf on the left. M2 on the right. M8 in my hand making the shot.

Out of the frame somewhere, a Nikon S2 rangefinder.

Gone, but not forgotten: M4, CL, Digilux 2.

Gone and very much regretting that I ever let 'em go: 35 and 50 DR Summicrons; 90 Tele Elmarit; 40 Summicron C.

Supposedly, Leica is soon to release a new "digital MP" -- seems to be an updated M240 with a new 24MP sensor and MP-styled body and "furniture." Hm? Need to start adding some pennies to my piggy bank to save up for one of those.
Leica, the high end ones anyway, are kind of like the Rolls Royce of cameras. Extremely expensive, but hand made with the kind of precision that you don't see often any more.

While they have always been pricey, they have gotten to a ridiculous point, in a digital age where things are obsolete in a few years. In the film days a working stiff photographer could justify the expense, saving all his pennies, or getting a bank loan to buy one, and a couple of lenses (the really expensive part), because he knew it was an investment. If he looked after it, the film Leica would outlast him. One of mine is ten years older than me, and it still goes like a train.

These days they have become more of a status symbol for rich, usually Chinese, men wanting something to hang around their neck to show off to their mates. In fact, if it wasn't for the boom in the Chinese economy Leica's camera division probably would have gone out of business.

Hopefully some of these new Leica's are being used to create good shots, they are lovely machines. But sadly, no longer within reach of most people who could do the most with them.

Nice post. So true, especially the last bit.

Happy birthday Leica.
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