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Bay Rum Disappointment

I'd been wanting to try a Bay Rum aftershave or cologne for some time now. However as usual it can be difficult to source things in Australia at a reasonable price if at all. Albeit I eventually found a hair salon wholesaler who stocked Pinaud Clubman Virgin Island Bay Rum and I bought it.
I've been social dancing all my adult life and take pride in being well presented and smelling nice for the ladies. These days I've specialised in Rock N Roll with two three hour lessons during the week and then social dancing Friday through to Sunday nights. Some dances can be quite athletic with at times heavy perspiration involved especially at the three hour lessons. Therefore the need to maintain meticulous cleanliness and smelling nice.
On social nights I use a different aftershave or cologne. When I do my laundry there is still the lingering scent of whichever aroma I have used on my shirts and singlets. So I know that what I'm using is effective in addition to the regular comments I get from the ladies in my dance club. Additionally as I perspire it have a sense of the aroma wafting up from around my face, neck and chest.
Not so with this Bay Rum however. It certainly has an interesting aroma to begin with but then just fades away. And yes I have sniffed my shirts LOL to check and there is nothing.
Therefore my question is. Have I bought a "Dud" Bay Rum or are they all like that with no staying power?

Regards and appreciation for your feedback.
I use Clubman VIBR, but only as an aftershave. While it is labeled as a cologne, it really doesn't have any staying power. I'll splash it on after shaving, then after a 10-15 minute dry down I'll layer a spicy cologne on top, like Polo Black. Clubman VIBR smells fantastic IMHO, but in order to use it a standalone fragrance, you would likely have to just dump the bottle on. As a general rule, in my experiences, no matter what type of scent its labeled as (cologne, EdT, aftershave, etc.), if it comes in a bottle larger than 4oz., it is most likely watered down and will not last as long as something more concentrated. A shame really, because if they could concentrate and refine that scent, I would pay a substantial premium for that particular bay rum to use it as a cologne.
I use bay rum daily, have tried several brands, and have yet to find anything with a few hours of staying power.

For just bay rum, I think Captain's Choice Cat O' Nine Tails has the best staying power, if you're up for the bracing effect.

My solution has been to use bay rum & lime, and after the bay rum fades, there's usually a slight linger of lime(at least my girlfriend says there is.) My 2 favorite bay rum & lime brands are Captain's Choice and Dominica.
I like the name "bay rum," it appeals to me.I like bays( I was born, raised, and currently live 100 yards from one), and I like rum, I prefer dark rum, but I digress...
I do not, however, have love for any bay rum shaving products that I've purchased, especially those that smell of clove.

I know there's a bay rum for me, just haven't found it yet.
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Only Ogallala Bay Rum colonge in the special reserve blend has any staying power. Unfortunately, the bay rum aftershaves suffer the same consequences that they dissipate in less than an hour.
Bay Rums are notorious for fading quickly. I usually apply it just before leaving, and if possible, carry a small amount for touch up. I have found two that last longer than most. The Captain's Choice Cat O'Nine Tails and Colonel Conk Bay Rum aftershave.
Use the Bay Rum as a first course, shortly after applying, when it has fades apply a Lime after-shave.

Thus creating your version of Bay Rum Lime.

The scents go together well.

Captains Choice Bay Rum followed by Clubman Pinaud Lime Sec.
I like the name "bay rum," it appeals to me.I like bays( I was born, raised, and currently live 100 yards from one), and I like rum, I prefer dark rum, but I digress...
I do not, however, have love for any bay rum shaving products that I've purchased, especially those that smell of clove.

I know there's a bay rum for me, just haven't found it yet.
My thoughts exactly.
A 6'2" giant clove walking around is not my or my GF's idea of fun. The clovey ones (that'd be virtually all I've smelt) are repulsive. The better balanced bay rums are ok & quite interesting, but for me that is as good as it gets.
I like Clubman VIBR quite a bit, and on me it lasts for hours. I don't know why I'm the minority in this, but it does.
I've written this before and for the life of me I cannot find the original post but one of the artisan soap makers on B&B a few years talked about why bay rums don't last. I think it's because the true bay rum scent is only a top note and doesn't have any middle or basenotes which is why longevity is always an issue. The BRs that do have longevity have extra scents like cloves.
I had always heard about Bay Rum but was afraid of it. It "sounded like" something strong. I ordered a sample from Captain's and when I received it and opened the bottle I nearly fell over it was so strong. I did not want to be "that guy."

Well today I mixed some in with my after-shaving splash (alcohol and witch hazel 50/50) and it still smelled awfully damned strong. My wife came home about 15-20 minutes later and I felt like I reeked like a rum-soaked ham. She said "smells nice but it's really light!"

So ... yeah, apparently goes away quick. But Archer uses it so it's gotta be good, right?
Thanks for all the replies.
All being said I don't see the point in keeping this stuff.
So it's $30 down the sink.
VIBR lasts quite a while for me. All the Pinaud line does. I can usually still smell it after a full day of work. Most colognes give me a headache and the Pinaud stuff is borderline for me.
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