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Alum block, yes? no?

I always use my alum after shaving! First I wash my face with warm water. I then use my alum block on my wet face. I take some time to clean my shaving gear. After that I wash my face again with cold water and apply some AS. My face feels great after using the alum (I also like the little sting it gives).
How well an alum block works for you will depend on a few factors including:
--Skin Type: all other things being equal - oily skin likes alum; dry skin will be made more dry and may feel stretched & uncomfortable after use
--Weather & Humidity: related to above - some may be able to tolerate alum in summer but not in winter when skin is more dry
--Alum Sensitivity: Some ppl are sensitive to alum and will get irritation and/or redness after alum use

Even if daily alum use does not suit you - you could always use it as a spot styptic - which is how I tend to use it.
I never heard of em before I joined up here at the B&B,
But they've got my interest and I'll try one out one of these days.
Ahh, the things you learn here.
Perhaps I am going overboard, and I am rather new to this as well, but here is my routine.

After shave I do a cold water rinse and run a pass of an alum block that has been ran through the cold water. I let this sit for a min or so to gauge how the shave went.
Next I do a splash of WH with Aloe on face and neck. I wait for this to dry and then follow up with an aftershave splash or aftershave balm. If I choose a splash I wait until it is completely dry and then I go over the top with an unscented moisturizing face lotion from Aveda. If a blam is chosen then I normally do not need the lotion.

Sounds like a lot when I write it all out but my face has never felt better and I am consistently getting great shaves. The only real negative side effect of migrating to DE shaving so far has been my checking account is shrinking lol
If you try an alum block and don't like it, you can still use it as an unscented anti-perspirant. I like it because it tells me how good my shave was, and it dries my skin just right for the aftershave splash.
I only use it to stop any bleeding witch hazel and cold water can't. It dries out my skin and makes it feel very tight and uncomfortable.
I use the Alum block everyday. It provides really nice feedback from my shaving technique. Haven't experienced any dryness
Very helpful for stopping a weeper or two. As Badmedicine said, it provides instant feedback on your technique. I use it every day in place of antiperspirant. Not only is it cheaper, but it doesn't stain my shirts. Just don't drop it--it really will shatter if it hits the floor.
Will shatter only if it hits a hard tile floor. Then you'll end up with many many pieces. Take the larger ones and put them in your shoes at night. They'll take away any odor.

Better than styptic pencil?

I think so.
I use mostly witch hazel, almost daily. I appreciate alum if and when needed. I rarely even think about styptic now, only on the very rare chance that I get a nick. Thankfully that is uncommon.
I use the Alum block.. Semi related tidbit.. Lord Carnvaron died from blood poisoning in 1923. It was theorized decades later that he shaved just before entering King's Tut's tomb and got his shaving nicks and weepers infected from the bacteria infested air in the tomb and died slowly as a result. If that is indeed what happened then it is safe to say he did not use an alum block.... Use your alum.

The shaving theory was in a History Channel Show... a few years back..

Edit... it was a mosquito bite his cut open while shaving that got infected...
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I use mine quite a bit. I have the Razorock version in stick form which is convenient. Had it for about two years now and it barely looks used. Helps to close nicks, tighten my skin, and stop ingrown hairs and acne. I like it.
For almost 50 years I've used a powered form of alum or styptic powder to stop bleeders. I even have some powder leftover from the 1960's that I still use occasionally. These days I mostly use crystallized alum (McCormicks) from the grocery spice isle to stop bleeding from cuts or weepers. I did try an alum block when I first started wet shaving, but hated the way my face felt afterwards.
No alum for me. It seems to irritate my face no matter how good my shave was. Not just during use but long after the shave is over.
I use the Proraso AS Green and it has some ingredient named allantoin. I tried to get some information via Google but all I can understand is this is comparable stuff to witch hazel. I have been using this aftershave since the first day I have started shaving and all I can say is the Proraso AS is worth every cent.
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