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How frequently do you shave?

I was thinking about this today....How often should one shave? Do you shave daily, whether or not you really need to? Only when you see stubble? Just during the work-week, or for special occasions?

I can can go about 36 hours before I notice/feel enough stubble to shave; although I COULD shave daily.

What's YOUR routine??
I used to shave for work and take a day or two off on the weekend if I wasn't going out. Since recently returning to DE shaving, trying new blades and soaps, I have been shaving daily.
I usually shave every day but on the weekends I might skip a day here or there. I've been "blessed" with a pretty heavy beard so there's definitely stubble and visible growth from the time I shave until the same time the next day.
i have to shave everyday for work, sometimes requiring me to shave for 7 straight days. even with good blades, brushes, and technique my face welcomes a day or two of rest.
I shave daily or I will start to look pretty shabby after a day. I got some grey in the beard and 2 days of stubble look pretty lousy on me. I sometimes give it a break on weekends.
I shave everyday i think a man should always look his best lol ! My face never gets irritated so i don't see a reason for taking a break day.
Everyday I gotta be at work... I'm in the military (for another few months till I separate)... I have very noticeable stubble after one day. The only times I don't are my days off...
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