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Nasal Waxes: Anybody tried them?

Nasal waxing kits are fairly new on the market, has anybody tried them yet, were they effective?

I had a habit of pulling nose hairs for awhile, until I realized the connection it had with me getting painful ingrown hairs few days later. I also keep reading about the dangers of pulling nose hairs could cause a infection that could travel up to the brain. I don't care if it's a myth or not, nose trimmers for me for now on.
I had a habit of pulling nose hairs for awhile, until I realized the connection it had with me getting painful ingrown hairs few days later. I also keep reading about the dangers of pulling nose hairs could cause a infection that could travel up to the brain. I don't care if it's a myth or not, nose trimmers for me for now on.

Come on gunslinger, don't be ridicolous! :bored:
Facial and ophthalmic veins have no valves and drain into the cavernous sinus. So, nose or facial abscesses are dangerous.

I've heard this before, but I've never been too clear on the actual risks (in terms of numbers) associated with nasal hair plucking. I wonder if there's some kind of warning label to this effect on the product. If so, I'd be inclined to take it seriously, since it would be clear the company is trying to avoid liability. If not, then, I don't know. If someone were to get a nasal infection and die, you know darn well there would be some legal fallout over this.
I had a habit of pulling nose hairs for awhile, until I realized the connection it had with me getting painful ingrown hairs few days later. I also keep reading about the dangers of pulling nose hairs could cause a infection that could travel up to the brain. I don't care if it's a myth or not, nose trimmers for me for now on.

No urban legend here. I had this last summer - the right side of my nose and face got quite swollen. Went to the doctor and he concurred with my diagnosis that it was from pulling nose hair (as that is all that had happened to me that could have caused this).

It was serious enough the I not only got a prescription for a broad spectrum antibiotic, but I got a starter injection in his office (something which docs seem to rarely do any more). My doc told me that it was a good thing I came in when I did or it would have been much more difficult to treat - he said he also had the condition years ago, so he was keenly aware of the dangers.
No urban legend here. I had this last summer - the right side of my nose and face got quite swollen. Went to the doctor and he concurred with my diagnosis that it was from pulling nose hair (as that is all that had happened to me that could have caused this).

It was serious enough the I not only got a prescription for a broad spectrum antibiotic, but I got a starter injection in his office (something which docs seem to rarely do any more). My doc told me that it was a good thing I came in when I did or it would have been much more difficult to treat - he said he also had the condition years ago, so he was keenly aware of the dangers.

Yikes! Thank you for the cautionary tale. You've given us something to think about.
I use a trimmer. I wouldn't use wax or try to pull hairs out anywhere, to be honest.

I use a trimmer, as well, but there are some stubborn hairs the trimmer can't quite get, and I find I have to resort to plucking if I really want a clear schnozz. That's why I think the wax is an interesting idea. But an infection would be a drag, no doubt.

Thanks for the link, BTW. I always appreciate further reading.
Ouch. Not only does this sound incredibly painful, but I would be very worried about infection. My beard trimmer has a nose-hair trimmer attachment, and a pair of blunt scissors usually takes care of any stragglers.
Not on the nose hair topic, but rather on how serious an infection on the face can become. A close friend of mine had an abscess on his forehead, was a dot one day, a big red mess like a zit gone wrong the next day, and the third day he was in the hospital with them telling him he almost died from it.

When it comes to nose hairs, I just trim them off with one of those spinny manual trimmer jobbers or a pair of scissors.
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