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Close up of whiskers whacked with electric and razor blade

Very interesting pics, did you do these yourself and if yes, what sort of 'scope did you use? doesn't look like the average run of the mill 'scope.

I think these are from an old article in Reader's Digest or another magazine. I could be wrong, though.
I found this via google image:

Barbarism.com said:
From Under the Microscope: A Hidden World Revealed:

This is the kind of comparison that infuriates the manufacturers of electric razors. On the left is a man’s beard hair, cleanly sliced by the blade of a “wet” razor. On the right is a beard hair from the same man, torn and mangled by the action of an electric razor. Since each hair is approximately one fifth of a millimetre in diameter, the difference visible to the naked eye is little or none, and the difference felt by someone kissing is likely to be more imagined than real. Nonetheless, one can see why the manufacturers of electric razors would have preferred it if the scanning electron microsope had never been invented.
The electric one looks like its been chewed by a garbage disposal. Great now I'm going to have nightmares of a garbage disposal attacking my face:ohmy:
Ah! Just went to the other page. Someone noted that those cleanly cut hairs show up quite well compared to the ragged hair cut by an electric, so even though you're smoother you can see you beard more clearly. It also explains why the stubble from wet shaving feels so sharp when it comes in. The tips are spear points instead of being rounded off.

Since I started DE shaving I have noticed all these things: smoother but I can see my beard more, and smoother but sharper once the stubble comes in. Mysteries solved.

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