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Why do you carry a pocket knife?

Cub Scouts honestly, I've had a pocketknife on me at all times since about 9 years old. Keys phone wallet sunglasses pocket knife or it just doesn't feel right leaving the house


Needs milk and a bidet!
because if I didn't I would have had to walk allllllllll they way inside the house and grab a kitchen knife or search for a pair of scissors, which I have no idea where they are, to cut the tip off a tube of Liquid Nails yesterday.

and i'd also have to search around for the scissors to cut the end off my freezie pops last night.
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I carry a Bucklite....a small folder with one blade and a Leatherman Micro Tool, which has a number of tools, including scissors and a file. Use the Micro Tool pretty well daily and the Bucklite about once-twice a week.

I'm in my 60's and I've carried a folder or as we used to call them a jack knife pretty well all my life since about 9 or 10. My Dad and my FIL did. It was traditional for my generation of Canadian men and the generations before. My son who is in his 20's carries a folder.

It's handy to have, light weight, doesn't take up much room.
B/c I dont have claws. No really, to cut stuff.

PS, Slash, finally someone who shares my appreciation for the machete.
ever since i was in the military , i have done it, i was a merchant marine, dockworker, refinery operator----- i like my knives, for what ever reason, it is a useful pocket tool always needed at some time or another
As well, I have always carried a pocket knife...I find I use nit often from opening the mail to cutting those pesky blister packs that most items seem to come in these days. I have quit carrying the more expensive knives in favor of say the swiss army type as I seem to lose knives more than I use to.
I always carry a sharp knife, every day. Most tasks are just opening packages, cutting box tops in the warehouse, cutting shrink wrap off pallets, etc. Another duty, which my wife cant stand, is eating out. When was the last time you had to use a steak knife at Outback? It's like sawing through wood they are so dull! A nice sharp knife always does the trick.
Rule 9: Never go anywhere without your knife. I find it handy for opening packages & the like. I usually carru one of two knives: a linder 312111 or a dual blade case that my parents picked up for me at Smoky Mountain Knife Works. I sometimes carry a Kabar mule if I think I'm going to need a bigger knife. Iwant to get a mule tanto eventually.
Because my Father gave me my first pocket knife when I was 7 and said " Don't go anywhere without it" I've carried some form of knife on my person everyday for the last 35 years.
I have carried an Opinel 7 since 1992. In fact, before 9/11, I used to carry it on planes with no problem. It is just a handy tool to have in your pocket. Works great on opening all of those boxes UPS has been dropping off lately for me with shave gear and also great for a piece of cheese.

I had to use mine to try on a pair of shorts today, the button hole was never cut open from the factory. Took a couple seconds to open it up and now i know that they fit me.
I always have a pocketknife for opening mail, trimming stray strings off clothing (a little OCD), taking price tags off of purchases, etc. Generally these are small Swiss Army knives, a Case Baby Bean, or Schrade Old Timer Med. Stockman. I recently was given a small Shrade O.T. Small Stockman that belonged to my Grandfather, and was one of the few knives that went through my Dad without having any tips snapped off. What can I say, the man liked to pry at things.

I have larger folders that are great for working in the yard (shrub pruning, weeding, trimming splinters off of deck railings, opening fertilizer bags), but they're a bit bulky for dress clothes or driving around town, so they tend to stay on the workbench.

I grew up on a farm, so the primary use was cutting twine on hay bales. Of course, we always came up with a hundred other uses, mostly un-sanctioned, but we never left the house without some sort of blade in the pocket. It was often a long walk back to the house from wherever we needed to cut something.

I used to catch a lot of grief for opening my mail with an Old-Timer when I was a young CPA, but I noticed most of the older Partners and Managers at the firm carried personal knives (much nicer than mine) for that purpose. I always thought it was good to be reminded of where I came from when I was stuck in a cubicle for 12 to 16-hour days. That was probably the most important purpose for me.
Because my Father gave me my first pocket knife when I was 7 and said " Don't go anywhere without it" I've carried some form of knife on my person everyday for the last 35 years.
It is amazing that so many guys do NOT carry a pocket knife! Or a multi-tool, but that is a bit overkill for my needs.

Maybe the smartphone has become the new pocket knife for most?
It is amazing that so many guys do NOT carry a pocket knife! Or a multi-tool, but that is a bit overkill for my needs.

Maybe the smartphone has become the new pocket knife for most?

I hope not. Smartphones are one of items I wish I could get along without, but of course I can't. A knife of some kind is just part of the way I dress. I keep a couple around the house in case I'm in my PJ's and need a knife, but when I put street clothes on a knife is just part of set, like my wallet or car keys. I find I have an affinity for knives too. I'm always looking for another one. My current EDC is a Gerber spring assist.
My latest acquisition, a Wenger Backpacker. Perfect to keep in my fly fishing vest. The serrated knife blade and the saw blade keep me out of trouble when I have to do some bushwacking and have to cut through vines and small branches.

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I carry it daily mostly for opening packages and other utility purposes. Comes in handy at least once or twice per day (and I have a desk job)...
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