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Trader Joes "Post Shave Oil"

When I first started DE shaving a couple of months ago, I started on the cheap. My first soap was Van Der Hagen from the local Walgreens. It worked great but it dried my face something awful. Add to that the irritation from my newbie shaves and my face felt like it was on fire after my shave. On a whim after about my third shave I grabbed my wife's bottle of Trader Joe's brand Lavender Body Oil and used it on my face. From the beginning it was awesome. It smells amazing, hydrates my face, and soothes any irritation. Fast forward to now...I really have my technique down. No irritation ar razor burn normally. I switched to Spieck shaving cream and I use an aftershave from a company called Earth Sciences. My face feels much better after my shaves but I still continue to use the Body Oil. It is like the icing on the cake after a shave. The smell is not overwhelming, it blends well with my aftershave and cream. It soaks into my skin well and doesn't leave me feeling at all oily.

I'd urge anyone to give it a shot. It comes in a pump spray bottle. Usually a single pump does the job.
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