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Review for Noodler's Blue

I'll probably add some more later, but this is the gist of it.

Overall, I love the ink as an everyday blue. Saturation and flow are quite a bit better with a broader nib, though.

Word of warning, too: this stuff gets all over everything! It's pretty hard to wash off your hands, too, let alone anything else.


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Is this the "bulletproof" Noodler's polar blue? I couldn't get it to write well in any of my fine nibs. Probably a better ink for a broad, it's definately dry as you suggested. I tried a Sheaffer blue and it was a more universal ink that I could use in all my ink sticks!
Nope, this is just plain old Noodler's Blue. The dryness really isn't an issue with the inkl, I've used it in other pens and it's just fine.
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