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TTO Mechanism Diagram?

Do any of you knowledgeable folks have any links or other access to diagrams or schematics for Gillette's twist-to-open mechanism? Specifically the type common to all the Aristocrat, Milord, and Super Speed razors.

I'm asking because I'd like to assess (1) what can fail, and (2) how feasible a repair might be. If you have any thoughts or experience along those lines, I'd like to hear that too.

(I'm not talking about crud or carbonate deposits or sticking or any of that stuff - real mechanical failures only.)

- Bill
These diagrams are about Gellette's adjustable razor patent but they still might help.


Thanks lungho and PlasticCity, this is just the kind of thing I was looking for. Not for an adjustable, but these two sources provide what I wanted to know.

What a great forum!

- Bill
Taking early Super Speed (and variants) apart is fairly easy. There is a thread with pictures . . . if I can only remember where!!

A special screwdriver must be made to remove the screw in the center of the TTO knob. Left hand thread here! Remove the screw, and twist the knob to raise the center assembly out of the handle.

There will be two sets of "wings" that have to be squeezed together to pass through the slots in the base plate. These act as a "stop" to prevent over-opening of the assembly.

I took one apart once to repair a base plate that had come loose from the handle. I also replaced a brassed door/center bar assembly on an otherwise beautiful handle. Both razors live on in my personal collection. I thought taking the razor apart would make polishing easier (it does) but did not save enough polishing time to justify the process.
On these tear down directions, I am sure that a week long soak in water will make a huge difference in ease of dissasembly.

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