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How Many Shaves to the bottom of a Shave Stick?

(From Boston, just had to check in) - The little sliver continues to generate masses of lather. I will take a pick of the lather during shave #4. And the fragrance is still intense. I am amazed that the sliver holds up to the pressure of the three fingered side grip and the schmoosh pressure. The shave simply could not be considered "count worthy", if the base layer of soap wasn't applied thoroughly, 100% coverage. That is the standard I'm using. The base layer needs to be consistent with a full stick, and it has been. I'm marveling at it as well. Does anyone know the story of the oil lamp in the sanctuary? With one day's supply of oil, it actually burned for eight till new supplies were delivered. D. R. Harris' new ad campaign may bill themselves as the new "miracle" soap.

Jewish Doc Arly of La Mancha?
Shave #4, the final shave, was successfully completed and was up to full standards. Here is the strange tale surrounding this fateful moment.


. . . .he became very agitated, and actually reached for his staff. The staff, upon my word, was clearly out of his reach, but miraculously flew to his hand, as if driven by some inexorable attraction. Once in his grip, his demeanor changed: calmer, as if it provided an energy, though I could not perceive how, generated from its ancient wooden core. Placing his free hand on my shoulder, he thanked me for the shelter and food I had offered him. The food was quite meager - porridge dressed with maple cream; and a glass of fortified Madeira. He stooped to whisper in my ear, but before he could the room began to quake. A pounding commenced at the door, the thick oak shattered with a horrible crack, splinters sprayed, and a tornado, shaped like a man, exploded into the room. I had heard of Bjorn the Magnificent, but his reality was beyond my imagination.

The thick, golden beard full to his waist. The grey, crystalline eyes, scanned the room, taking everything in, until they aimed their penetrating and terrifying gaze on me. His hand, leathered and enormous grabbed my collar and with an effortless yank, sent me flying across the room. He towered over me, and looking at my crumpled form he said calmly, “Maggot, be silent or die.”

He strode across the room to Arly’s bed and to my amazement, his knees buckled and he knelt by Arly’s side. “Sire,” he reported, “ the western frontier, where we were most vulnerable, has been stabilized with the help of the Witches from Innisfree. We’ve made truce with the brigands from the south and the east, but Sire, I have even more urgent news regarding your daughter. The Titans from the north have agreed to exchange her for the captive Prince Radamore. My liege, we have secured a peace which my hold for generations.”

The Dr. sighed deeply, wrapped his arm around Bjorn’s massive neck and drew him to his own. I could not hear what words were exchanged, but their tears of relief were visible. After a few moments, Arly shouted, “I have been rude to our host, Bjorn. Have you met my dear friend Darjeeling.” I unfolded from the corner where I’d been transfixed. With a graceful bow and a sweep of his hand, the man of the mountains said, “Accept my apology Darjeeling. I lost my senses. But as you understood, my news was pressing.” “You are welcome in my home,” I advised and prepared supper.

Late into the night I listened, completely absorbed by Bjorn’s tales of battle, narrow escapes, shrewd diplomacy and ultimate reconcilliation. The good Dr. listened attentively as well, but as the fire began to fade, his eyes drooped and he was lost in reverie, sleep, and dreams.

When we awoke, he called us to his side. His exhaustion was evident. He whispered to us, "The journey has been long, but satisfying. No regrets. Fond memories of my dear friends and the peace of mind knowing that the raven haired Rebecca, taken from me so long ago, has been restored to us. Bjorn, you are charged with the task of protecting and keeping her from harm. And you Darjeeling, it is your job to record the history of these noble events, so that they are not forgotten." And with that, he closed his eyes. That is all.
Gunna miss the ol doc.

76 Darjeeling Express
77 Quixand
78 Mr. Guy
79 bearbear
80 Brothers
81 Burnwood
82 Gruder
83 Profsaffel
84 Quixand
85 Jethro1984
86 Soapbox
87 bearbear
88 Joshua Da Silva
89 Gogo
90 Jwolf24601
91 Darjeeling Express
101 Soapbox
152 Micah

so we were @ 75, +4 of darjeeling,
Shave #4, the final shave, was successfully completed and was up to full standards. Here is the strange tale surrounding this fateful moment.

:crying: How sad. May we celebrate his life rather than mourn his passing. How glorious any of us be, should we leave such a mark on on an entire civilisation. Doc, you will be missed. :crying:

I'm tempted to DQ bearbear for failing to grieve for our hero :mad3:

Bad Bearbear, bad!
I'm tempted to DQ bearbear for failing to grieve for our hero :mad3:
:crying: How sad. May we celebrate his life rather than mourn his passing. How glorious any of us be, should we leave such a mark on on an entire civilisation. Doc, you will be missed. :crying:
Bad Bearbear, bad!
Gunna miss the ol doc.
did no one read that comment?:001_rolle
Like blackfoot said, instead of sitting around feeling crappy about things, remember the good times...and celebrate them...and my victory:001_tt2:

and not to worry, his will be survived by his daughter.
I read it, but it seemed anything but sincere:closedeye

Anything but sincere? i've been following his adventures daily for a very long time, i used to look forward to hearing about his latest and greatest mission. Now all i've got to look forward to is spam(er i mean dogfood) in my inbox.
Thanks for the stories, gents. You inspired me to acquire my own Arlington stick, and I enjoy knowing that it will last for many shaves.

nahh, I can't leave that one standing there...

twas a good adventure with the good Dr. He deceived many of us with his diminutive size. Like many others, I mathematically factored in the shave count of Lil Tabacy and his weight, then made my guestimates for Arly on that number.
Pretty close, although I did add some count to the result, and still came up short.

Based on this, though, it can be indubitably substantiated that the Arlington stick is a better value than the Tabac stick
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nahh, I can't leave that one standing there...

twas a good adventure with the good Dr. He deceived many of us with his diminutive size. Like many others, I mathematically factored in the shave count of Lil Tabacy and his weight, then made my guestimates for Arly on that number.
Pretty close, although I did add some count to the result, and still came up short.

Based on this, though, it can be indubitably substantiated that the Arlington stick is a better value than the Tabac stick
interesting. i'd i have encountered many comments about how "it was impossible to dent a tabac soap", but lbs for lbs drh lasts longer. Scientific inquiry for the win!
interesting. i'd i have encountered many comments about how "it was impossible to dent a tabac soap", but lbs for lbs drh lasts longer. Scientific inquiry for the win!

Headlines in the Chicago Tribune today read, Tabac defeats Harris. "This is one for the books", says (now past) Doc Arli.

Thank you, Doc! We had some fun:crying:
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