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Your top 5 DE blades

I'm not sure if I posted on this thread or not since I've been absent the past year. But at the moment my top 5 are:

1.) Gillette Rubie
2.) Gillette Nacet
3.) Gillette Silver Blue
4.) Astra SP
5.) Wilkinson Sword (German) - Although the newer ones I have aren't sharp enough.

Honorable mentions that I've tried and like, or blades that haven't gotten enough use yet that could be bumped up to top 5 -

-Personna Lab Blues
-Personna Platinum Chromes both Israeli & German
- 7 O'Clock Black
- 7 O'Clock Yellow SharpEdge
- King C made in Russsia - Great blade but I've only used a few and they aren't available anymore.
- Wilkinson Sword (India & China) - Both were surprisingly good blades
- Wizamet - I need to revisit this one
- Tatra Platinum - Surprisingly smooth blade, reminded me a lot of the Astra SP
- Rapira Swedish SS - Very little experience but it felt great so I have more on order
- Rapira Platinum Lux - Only used one blade but it was good, not as good as the Swede above
- Gillette Platinum - With the white background
- Permasharp - I want to like these but they don't seem as sharp as others make them out to be.
- Feather - A usable blade but would be my last choice of good blades since it's edge feels rough and I find other blades as sharp or sharper.
- Bic Platinum - I only mention this blade due to the Feather above. I find the Bic sharper then the Feathers and it doesn't feel as rough but I also don't find it very smooth.
- Kai - I need to test more of these out but so far so good.

I'm sure I missed some but this list is plenty long for now. It takes a very long time to really test out blades to their full extent. Most of my secondary choices above only have a few shaves with each. Many need to be tested further and may make the top 5 after that.
1. Rubie
2. German Wilkinson Sword
3. BiC Chrome Platinum
4. Rhinoceros XR
These are blades I have in rotation.

I have bought also DORCO Prime and FlyDears. Not tried yet. Expect be good.
In no particular order:

Any blade
Any blade
Any blade
Any blade
Any blade

I currently have the following on hand, and they all work for me, five, 3-pass shaves: Astra SP, Astra SS, Shark SS, GSB, Bic CP, Gillette Platinum, Dorco, Wizamet SI, Nacet, Feather, Derby, Wilkinson Sword, Personna, Voskhod, Rapira, Treet, Gillette 7 O'clock (green)...and more.

Maybe I'm lucky. I've got a mug full of an assortment of loose blades (wrapped, of course) and I could close my eyes, grab one, shave, and be perfectly satisfied never knowing which logo was stamped on the blade.
Should be a couple of really nice cigars in that humidor. Nice collection of blades nonetheless!:thumbup:
Thank you very much, dear friend. You are absolutely right. There used to be some good Cubans stored there, but unfortunately due to medical advice, I stopped smoking…

Have a great week!
Thank you very much, dear friend. You are absolutely right. There used to be some good Cubans stored there, but unfortunately due to medical advice, I stopped smoking…

Have a great week!
Haha, yes. I should not smoke anymore either but it's hard to kick the habit.
There is still a monsterload of pipe tobacco in my cupboard and a couple nice Nicaraguan cigars too.
Since I stopped drinking I have smoked less and less cigars. Roll your own cigarerettes are my nemesis.
Pipes are nice in the cold winters we have here.:pipe:
Haha, yes. I should not smoke anymore either but it's hard to kick the habit.
There is still a monsterload of pipe tobacco in my cupboard and a couple nice Nicaraguan cigars too.
Since I stopped drinking I have smoked less and less cigars. Roll your own cigarerettes are my nemesis.
Pipes are nice in the cold winters we have here.:pipe:
Indeed, dear friend. A good pipe can be your best companion sometimes. Just like a good cigar.

Wait, what??

Which one? My past experience with ASCO Super Stainless (red tuck) has been that they give a mediocre shave and are only good for two or three shaves.
I like most of the blades from the Lord stable, particularly the ASCO. They aren't particularly long lasting but they are smooth.
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