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You are forced to thin your soap herd to 3...which ones?


Pretty Pink Fairy Princess.
I could probably blind pick any 3 that I have and be happy but for the sake of the thread

Mama Bear Eucalyptus or Dragons Blood
Mitchell's Wool Fat

Mike's Orange, Cedar, & Black Pepper (the wife would insist)

Tiki Bar Soap The Captain (though this was the toughest choice)
Funny. This is an old thread (August, 2012) -- half the soaps that B&B people are talking about these days were not around when this thread was started.
Mystic Water Soap (Bay Rum)
Mike's Natural Soaps

i don't even need any others as these two are fabulous!

I guess I should update this as I am only using Mystic Water, now. I am finishing off another soap and giving Haslinger another try, then, it will be just the one soap! Good thing Michelle offers so many great scents! :001_smile
Today's three would be:

Martin de Candre - Fougere
Art of Shaving - Sandlewood (tallow version)
Phoenix Artisan - Coconut

If you ask me tomorrow it might be something different.

it's especially difficult to leave out:
Cold River Select
Strop Shoppe SE w/tallow
WSP Rustic
Barrister & Mann
Le Pere Lucien
Saponificio Varesino

If there was a soap the lathered as easily as Martin de Candre, produced a full luxurious lather like PannaCrema, had the slickness of Stirling, the moisturizing of Cold River Select, and the scents from Phoenix Artisan then my shave den would be a lot smaller.
Maggards London Barbershop

Depending on $$$ it would be VDH Luxury (if on budget) Dr Harris if I have a $20 burning a hole in pocket.
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