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Yet another barbershop scent thread

To the OP: I was looking for the same thing. Chiseled Face Ghost Town Barber Shop exactly matches what you describe. Strongly recommend for scent and performance!
My recommendations:
CBL Club made with Pinaud Clubman
Mikes Barbershop

I'll agree with others who aren't impressed with PAA soaps.
Fine American Blend worked well for me and I enjoyed the smell. Reminded me of old school barber shops I went to as a young man. I’ve smelled other barbershop smells and either they try too hard or make it way too powdery/sweet. I feel like so far, the American Blend has been my go-to barbershop scented soap. Has also never dried up my face either.

+1! Fine American blend is a favorite around here also!! Nice barber shop scent in a soap that performs! :a29:
I want to make a counterargument about two of the soaps recommended in this thread.

1) Mike's Barbershop has a lot of patchouli in it. A bit overly sweet/cloying for my nose. It smells good at first but over time it wears on me.

2) Chiseled Face Ghost Town Barber I like, but it's not a traditional barbershop scent like the OP was asking for, as it adds gunpowder and dirt and stuff like that in the background.
My favorite Barbershop for a clean fresh scent is Cooper & French Authentic Barber.
One of my least favorites is Seville - to cologne-y for me
I'm pretty happy with Ghost Town Barber (whether it's a "true barbershop" scent or not) and Clubman. They preform well and smell nice. And either one goes great with Clubman aftershave or bay rum.
Still on the hunt.

-Fine american - did not really hit the spot for me
-Stirling barbershop -too sweet (Vanilla)
-Noble Otter Barrbarr -too sweet (cookies?)
-Ghost Town Barber- weird side note (the "gunpowder"?)
-Seville- great but too lemony

Now, Mike's Barbershop was really what i look for scent wise and also performed really good but the scent is just not strong enough for my weak nose, so sad since it is really what i am looking for.

Gonna try to get my hands on Zingari Wanderer, CBL Club, Shannons Barbershop, Eufros Gea,...
The following are my favorite barbershops (they smell exactly the same) LOVE them...better than Seville, IMO.

Zingari Wanderer
Maggards London Barbershop

What you describe, however, leads me to think you would like Ghost Town Barber by Chiseled Face. The most powdery barbershop I've smelled.

Monarch by Noble Otter is an amazing powdery scent that I'd bet you'd like a lot, even though it's not a barbershop scent.
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The surprise to me was RazoRock What the Puck Black Label. It's described as a "classic barbershop fougere" and so far is the one that most closely smells like a barbershop to me. I also have the WTP Blue Label, a "cool and clean barbershop scent" that misses the mark for me in terms of a real barbershop scent.

I’d swear there’s a little of the legacy Floid Blue going on in that Blue label.
I really think it’s underappreciated and an incredible value no less.
Ok, not that anyone is interested in this but:

I officially announce Mike's barbershop to be the most Barbershop scent out there.
I tried like all of the suggestions and this is super individual choice but Mike's barbershop
is the best barbershop scents out there.

Only downsides: It is hard to get in Europe, its gone if mike is gone

Great stuff i still had to buy: Seville and noble otter barbershop
Mikes uses that same “barbershop” fragrance oil that zingari, wsp, soap commander, etc. use. It’s supposed to smell like barbasol, but smells closer to eternity for women. I’m done trying most artisans’ “barbershop “ because it never smells like any barbershop I’ve visited.

fine American blend. It smells like yves Saint Laurent rice gauche. Like clubman on steroids. Awesome. Good soap too.

Noble otter Barrbarr smells like real barbasol. Not like the fragrance oil everybody else uses. Some may find it too sweet, but it’s of extremely high quality. Good soap.

Paa club guy. Smells like clubman, but I didn’t like the soap itself. It may have been an older base, but it dried my face out, and just didn’t shave well.

If you like the clubman/rive gauche type fougeres, check out Razorock American barber.
Mikes and Soap commander smell nothing alike to my nose
Noble Otter's Barbarr, to me, is a toned down Stirling Barbershop. It is a little sweet, but not as much as Stirling. Nice powder. Also N.O. is from Texas, so it has to be the best. :)
Ghost Town Barber is one of my favorites, but has some extra gunpowder scent that I don't associate with barbershop. It's barbershop plus.
I showered with a Stirling barbershop sample this morning. I'm not a big barbershop guy, but it's the closest thing to that old time barbershop scent i've ever tried.


Even more clueless than you
I am really no clearer on what is a true barbershop soap. I have used Noble Otter Barrbarr and really don't think it reminds me of a barbershop. It is nice but as one previous poster said it is sweet.
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