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Worst You’ve Cut Yourself

My worst cuts are almost always point stabs. Usually on the left side of my face. I don't see as well out of my left eye and I guess my depth perception is off. I finally got around to muting all my sharp square points and largely avoid that now. However, a week or two ago I was lining up to start a WTG pass on my left cheek with a round point razor and somehow snagged my cheek, and deep, before I even started the stroke. I have no idea what happened but that one bled a lot. The 4 year old wandered past to see how the shave was going and said, "wait, why is there red on you?" Fortunately, Mrs. Scandalous had been steeping a tincture of yarrow and rosemary that was finally ready, and I got to test it out. Full disclosure, it's harsh, and stings like a **** due to the alcohol, but it stopped bleeding within a few seconds. I though I was going to have to put a bandage on that one but the yarrow worked wonders.
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