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Wickhams 1912 - New And Unreleased

No truer words...

I like the Wickham 1912 soaps I use, but you might not. I like creamy, easy to lather, very protective soap. I want a good skin feel during and after the shave. The scents are important to me, and terribly subjective. None of that tells me little about your response to a soap.

Many people like some soaps I do not like.

There are so many ways to approach soaps. One way is to try the classics. Another, the most inexpensive. Another, the most expensive. Another, the best reviewed (but reviews are subjective).

If I won the lottery I'd buy several soaps to try, but I'm not entirely sure anything would surpass Wickham 1912. I have ordered a more expensive and very highly regarded and reviewed shaving soap, and I'm looking forward to finding out if I like it as well as or better than 1912.

Also, one has to learn how to use a new soap. They have somewhat individual qualities and require a bit of experience sometimes to unlock. Wickham 1912 had a tiny learning curve for me.

I'm sure SWMBO has importance in your decisions, and that she wants the best for you.

Happy shaves,

Jim has

Well I definitely think I'll try Wickham's seeing as I liked the one scent and a number of people have recommended it, and then go from there. Thanks so much for your advice, Jim (@Chan Eil Whiskers )!

Chan Eil Whiskers

Fumbling about.
Well I definitely think I'll try Wickham's seeing as I liked the one scent and a number of people have recommended it, and then go from there. Thanks so much for your advice, Jim (@Chan Eil Whiskers )!

I hope you report on the soap, the shave, and the scent, Frank.

I load heavily, apply thick like spackling, and add bits of water as I lather it on my beard. The feel of the brush on my skin, building lather, appeals to me, so I take my time with it. I've used several brushes - boar and badger - without any issues. I may have used a synthetic, too, but I'm not quite sure.

Happy shaves,

I know this is an old thread. It's getting a bump here.

I've been using Wickham 1912, and I love it. The scents I've tried are Cashmere and Magnum. Both are subtle and very nice. The scents are rather elegant to my nose, and refined.

What makes the soap amazing is how perfectly it works for shaving. It lathers well for me as a face latherer. I do several passes without running out of soap, and I add water using the tips of my brush whenever I feel like it. I do not find the soap particularly fussy about the amount of water used.

The soap is very slick. Residual slickness is great. It's a nice, thick enough but not too thick lather on my face and neck. Every time. Every shave. It seems to me it is just about the perfect shaving soap.

I like a good many soaps, and find most soaps easy enough to use, but I've not found any to surpass Wickham 1912.

Oh, the tubs are oversized which makes loading easier I think.

Happy shaves,

I have the Cashmere, I find it rather powdery smelling. How's the Magnum smell?
Wickhams 1912 is a big improvment from the Super Smooth formula, although SS is not bad, 1912 is much better IMO. The Citrus Musk is much muskier than the Pinaud A/S and it smells great.

I have a tub of Frankincense but have been reluctant to try it since I used a soap a while back that smelled almost identical and it burned my face. I doubt that will be the case with Wickhams, plus it has a strong spicy scent. Will have to give it a fair shot.
I have the Cashmere, I find it rather powdery smelling. How's the Magnum smell?

I've got both and find that the Magnum fragrance comes on a little stronger and is more on the musky side.



I love both of them very much and have ordered the Classic 24, English Rose and Russian Leather, too. Wickham soaps have taken my bathroom by storm and swept away all the other soaps and creams I used prior to them. In fact, all the other soaps and creams have already fallen into oblivion. :D
I've got both and find that the Magnum fragrance comes on a little stronger and is more on the musky side.



I love both of them very much and have ordered the Classic 24, English Rose and Russian Leather, too. Wickham soaps have taken my bathroom by storm and swept away all the other soaps and creams I used prior to them. In fact, all the other soaps and creams have already fallen into oblivion. :D
I like Wickham 1912 as well.
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