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Where do you light your pipes?

I tend to smoke my pipes sitting on my couch in front of the TV, or reading under my main lamp. But I've found myself for the last year or two lighting them only in the kitchen. I light up, tamp, light again, and sit down. At each relight, I get up and cross to the kitchen to strike a new match. This is because I don't want a stray ember from match or tobacco to scorch a hole in my sofa or carpet.

How about you? Are you brave enough to light up in your armchair, if you smoke indoors?


Remember to forget me!
I'm trying to suppress an urge to say "at the fat end..." :p

Wherever I happen to be smoking, is the real answer. Most of my bowls are smoked indoors, and I have no intention of having to walk out of the room, or even cross the room, to light up again. I put the pipe down for a while, and therefore have to relight, multiple times through the course of a bowl (which is why I insist on only smoking sitters). Life is challenging enough, without me making it harder. I also tend to use butane lighters.


My elbows leak
Staff member
I'm trying to suppress an urge to say "at the fat end..." :p

Wherever I happen to be smoking, is the real answer. Most of my bowls are smoked indoors, and I have no intention of having to walk out of the room, or even cross the room, to light up again. I put the pipe down for a while, and therefore have to relight, multiple times through the course of a bowl (which is why I insist on only smoking sitters). Life is challenging enough, without me making it harder. I also tend to use butane lighters.

I was going to say "in the roundy part with a hole, where the tobacco goes".
I smoke out on the screened porch or in the garage, but keep everything close at hand when I do.


Mr. Codgers Neighborhood
Wherever I happen to be smoking, is the real answer.

Wherever I happen to be ... except in bed.

I don't run my pipes like Bessemer converters, or think about incinerating clothing and furniture, after all these years.

Cigars are a different story, for a very different reason. Those stay outdoors, out of kindness to Mrs. C.

Neither I or Mrs gpjoe smokes our herb indoors...a mutually agreed upon arrangement.

On exceptionally windy days I have (rarely) done a false light and first tamp at the back door just for a solid start, but all actual smoking occurs outside or in the garage.
Depends on where I’m at. Work is cigars and no smoking is allowed inside the vessel. Some ships allow smoking inside the engine room at certain times. And outside is certain areas on the weather decks. At home I can get a bowl in inside, when wifes at work and kids are at school for the day. But any cigars are only lit inside. For my safety and not hearing the complaints about the smell. The smell tends to linger inside for a while. With all windows open and fans on full speed.
Yep. Outdoors only - Wherever I may be at the time. Usually in my shed working on something or sitting on the mower. Occasionally I'll find an opportunity to sit and relax for a smoke, which would be outdoors on the deck. I'll keep a lighter, tamp, pipe cleaner, and corn cob holder (for cigar nubs) nearby or in my pockets. Always a drink at hand - normally water but once in a while I'll have tea or a beer - coffee if it's not too hot in the day.
Outdoors, usually on the back patio, but that will shift depending on wind direction. We are spending more and more of our year in the Rio Grande Valley, which allows for relatively comfortable outdoor smoking most months of the year. Late summer/early fall can be brutally hot during the daylight hours, and after dark it is nearly tolerable; still, I brave it.
Both front porch and rear patio are covered and protected with enough depth to allow for smoking in most rain storms, which I enjoy. If I'm up north when the temperature is 40F or below, I've been known to smoke in my truck, the mobile smoking lounge.
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