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What happened I lost my pleasure in shaving?

Like in the title,,,,I lost the pleasure in shaving,,,
i am a looooooong time wet shaver,,,for weeks now I lost the pleasure in shaving,,,
It started by reducing the number of passes,,,now even to change a blade is a pain,,,yesterday I took a canned foam to be over faster ,,,,
I was excited to try new razors , creams, blades etc,,,,not anymore ,,,,Just shaving because I have to,,,
What happened ,,,,?
i hope it is just transitory,,,,,


When I get fed up with wet shaving, I switch to my electric shaver, which does an okay job. But the resulting stubble annoys me so much that a few days later I'm back wet shaving again. Nobody cares, but I seem to have defined myself as a man who begins every day with an outstanding shave.


Dirty Donuts are so Good.
Like in the title,,,,I lost the pleasure in shaving,,,
i am a looooooong time wet shaver,,,for weeks now I lost the pleasure in shaving,,,
It started by reducing the number of passes,,,now even to change a blade is a pain,,,yesterday I took a canned foam to be over faster ,,,,
I was excited to try new razors , creams, blades etc,,,,not anymore ,,,,Just shaving because I have to,,,
What happened ,,,,?
i hope it is just transitory,,,,,



Learn to shave with a Straight? :)


For myself, I'm not tired of wet-shaving, but I've arrived at a place where I'm no longer searching. I know the razor I like, I don't think I can improve on the stones I use to hone my straight razor (it can only get so sharp and so comfortable). Don't think I can improve on my strop. I have shaving soaps and a badger brush and bowl that I don't think could be improved.

I'm just at a place where I don't really need to search for something better. I might take up fishing again... (I'll still be whipping up lather and honing and stropping and shaving with my straight--it'll just be an ordinary activity)
I can only handle truly having a few things to focus on but I am also one who loves order and my routine and if it is not something I want to do I truly lose interest in it so could see that happening if I had a routine change but at this point its my "thing" I do to start the day
I have the same thing happen to me every so often.. I will get into a slump or mood or even depression ( PTSD from army and war days ) and I will not really care about the hobby or even shaving at all and i will switch to the Phillips Norelco one blade electric razor and use it for a while as it gives pretty good shaves and I'm done in less than a minute . I also don't really participate in the discussions on ANY of the forums ( I still do a quick check though ) and then I do other stuff.. Lately I have been reading and watching a lot of YouTube videos ( car channels and history and restoration stuff ) and fill my time with that instead of worrying about this stuff.. I mean I'm not saying I don't still think of and care about you guys and whatnot , but , I fill my time with other stuff.... Honestly and I'm sure others would agree that this "hobby" of ours can only keep our complete interest for so long until we have to branch out a little as this is really in all honesty a pretty boring hobby. I mean we get up , we wash up , we get soap , we build later then pull blade across face and repeat until we get the smoothness we want !! Honestly How long can that hold all of our attention.... It's natural to get a little bored and need to do other stuff.. Is there anything else in this hobby or any other hobby that does have your interest right now that still gets you excited or happy ?? If the answer is yes then perhaps you could explore that .. On the other hand if there is nothing that interest you , or if you have just suddenly lost interest in anything / everything , then maybe you might want to talk to your doctor and let them know what's going on as that could be a sign of a deeper lying issue that you need to talk to a professional about !! Good luck and know we are here for you no matter what's up !!!
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@TAM340R sorry to read your post about losing the Joie de Vivre for wet shaving.

As mentioned above, is it only the wet shaving or are you in a funk. As someone who tackles PTSD & depression everyday, if you’ve lost interest in a lot of stuff that you used to enjoy please talk with someone.

An idea to potentially rekindle the excitement. PM your address and I’ll put together a “box of stuff” (some razors, brushes, etc.) and get it shipped out to you. Some experimentation may spark your interest again.

Also if you get deep into fishing, you’ll find out the Wet Shaving Rabbit Hole is rather shallow.

Wishing you the best.

Thanks to all of you for yours posts
I do not have an electric and not really attracted by but I have a straight and maybe it is a good moment to start that route ;))

I agree with #5. Only shave weekly or ask the wife to remind you to shave when she thinks you need too. Both the stubble and the wife will begin to annoy you. This will equal shaving more often. Pleasurable or not.

Don’t fight it. Maybe you are at the point you’ve found your forever gear. One or two razors. One or two blades, etc. So what, your pleasure is not like the kid in the candy store anymore. You still like candy. You still want and eat it. Maybe, just not as often. You know, without a penalty, you can change your definition of pleasure? It’s ok.

You had to know this time would come. A time you would stop purchasing excess, really do not need gear, for whatever the reasons. It is ok. These feeling will settle, even though now you think it will not.

Do this:
1. Change your mindset
2. Enjoy the gear you have
3. Shave whenever you want too
4. Scroll through the forum, every now and then
5. Watch your YouTube videos, every now and then

Spend more time with your family and enjoy other pleasures in your life. This is your new normal. It’s a new day.

Now go shave.
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You have been a member for quite some time and in all reality there probably isn’t much different. I went through a similar phase and took quite some time away, life changes. I spend more time in the sub-categories. Give it time, stop in some of the other threads.
What is it your looking for in shaving? Perhaps you've fallen into the belief that you you can buy happiness from a shaving supplier. You can't. There is always someone telling you that you'll be happy if you buy this razor or this soap. You won't for that reason. But you can find pleasure in life by just living it and enjoying what God has created and not man.


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It's just shaving.

I have viewed it as an unpleassurable task for years. I came here to get the best shave possible and now try to help others get there, but in the end, I'd rather be doing anything else than shaving and look forward to each and every non-shave day I get.
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