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What Do You Use For Home Defense?


"Can't Raise an Eyebrow"
"An event of this magnitude will dwarf all natural disasters experienced in this country."

No doubt.
I wonder what would happen after everything gets back to normal and it is found out that there are scores of corpses in your home?

What is the number that would be considered "reasonable"? ... a small satchel "package" detonated there during my lifetime.

Should that happen , our area would be spared the "blast" but the outflow of those who feel the need to flee will overrun everything in their path.

We moved east of Atlanta for Work and have the same considerations concerning our imagined worst days.

Back in the day, I knew I'd have civil defense assets available to help cover due to the nature of my job and it's role in national recovery... however, when you're not blue or no longer an asset yourself, you're just civilian and on your own. We plan a short term shelter in place with intermediate plan to bug out. We know 85% of the time we have successful prevailing winds, but once the groceries stores are stripped, or water fails it's not worth being in the way of all the people leaving city center and going everywhere else. Luckily, the elders I was responsible for have passed on, so we are far less roped down than just a couple years ago. (though I'd have much rather enjoyed their company these past few years...)
Raid Hornet defense. Seriously. Great range, great spread and effective. Nobody builds up a resistance to being hit in the face with hornet spray.
Raid Hornet defense. Seriously. Great range, great spread and effective. Nobody builds up a resistance to being hit in the face with hornet spray.

+1 (just to get it done for all the other folk like me who agree) :thumbup1:

Maybe I need to add this to my Louisville Slugger.

Is this non lethal to Humans? Can you tell me what's in it please.


In those links I found what I was concerned about. It's a litigious world.

"Personal liability is likely to be significant for a person who deliberately sprays another person with a pesticide."

You would be in bigger trouble spraying someone with insecticide than shooting them with a 44 magnum.

I my state the law is clear.

The only option open to a CCW holder is lethal force. Rocks, lumber, OC, ASP, etc are all chargeable offenses, shooting is not
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870 with 20 inch barrel. First round is less than lethal, second round is birdshot, rest are 00 buck. I pray that I will never have to use any of those rounds.


"Can't Raise an Eyebrow"
"Shooting to wound" is rife with civil suit potentials, particularly if serious disability results. In some jurisdictions, if you are not justified in killing someone, you are not justified in shooting them. A rubber bullet or "beanbag" round to the temple or eye socket can be fatal. Bird shot may not reliably kill someone, but at close range it may very well cause a fatal wound. Although "escalation of force" has some validity in non lethal modes of defense, once you inject a firearm into that continuum, you are using lethal force regardless of the type of ammo loaded in the gun with the possible exception of specifically modified firearms that use non lethal rounds only. YMMV greatly depending on your jurisdiction.
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10 pages of replies. All talk. If you ever find yourself staring down an armed intruder nothing will matter to you except your ability to save your family/yourself and the weapon at your disposal. Baseball bats are nice but a guy with a gun will still shoot you. I'll keep my 12 gauge.


B&B's Dr. Doolittle.
Staff member
If there is an intruder in my home I would rather protect my family with a gun vs. a can of bug spray. Thank goodness I still have that right.


B&B's Dr. Doolittle.
Staff member
Guns? What guns? I had some at one time but they scared me so I threw them all in the garbage. Cause, you know, guns is bad. I heard they cause global warming. Nope, no guns here.

Ya my whole collections fell off the back of a boat. Very sad.


Staff member
Having had a lot of training in martial arts, self defense, etc. and living in a country where a firearm for defense is not an option, I'd say a field hockey stick would be my go-to, long before a baseball bat. The lighter weight makes it faster, but the thin edge gives it more impact force per square inch, which is what counts when whacking someone. The hooked end can also be used for grappling and controlling the bad guy.

Also, there is zero chance of missing a shot and accidentally killing your neighbor, children, a passerby, through a wall.

Personally, I also keep a Nepalese Kukri by the bed, but I really don't fancy the idea of explaining that one to the authorities should I ever be unlucky enough to need it. A field hockey stick, like a bat if you are in the USA, is pretty easy to legitimize.
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