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Vintage blade shaving: 1932 Gillette Blue Blade

I just picked up an auction on eBay for about $11, including shipping, that contained what turned out to be a 1948-1950 Gillette Super Speed in excellent condition and a tuck of Gillette Blue Blades still in the cellophane. I was surprised to see that the blades were from Q3 1932 (date code C3). I saw a website that stated that 1932 was the first year for the Blue Blades, but I can't attest to the accuracy of that statement.

After cleaning up the razor (it didn't need much), I popped open the first blade and it was in what looks to be pristine condition. Under a 3.5X magnifier, I could see no corrosion of any sort. So I gave it the usual strop, loaded it up in the new SS, and gave it a go this morning.

The results: really excellent! The blade was a bit draggy at first, but I think that was partly getting used to the new razor (I normally shave with a 1957 Red Tip and a 1959 Fatboy). Before the end of the first pass, things were humming along just fine. I did go slower than normal, again just to get used to the new razor. The shave is BBS, and no irritation beyond the norm (I'm a sensitive skin guy).

I'm going to be disappointed when this tuck of blades is gone.

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