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Those of you with personal shave dens are so lucky

Our old place only had one bathroom but our current condo has two. My husband and I are NEVER sharing a bathroom again. If we ever build a house we will design it with side by side separate master ensuite bathrooms. We will never ever share again. I love having my own space. He loves having his own space. All hail the private shave den!
I don't have my own shave den either. My wife and I share the bathroom and we both leave for work around the same time every day. Typically she will shower and do her thing before me. I have no problem with her coming in and out of the bathroom as I am shaving. I don't require complete silence or alone time in order to take my time and have a nice shave. That said, I typically will shave in the afternoon on Saturdays which gives me privacy for my Saturday shave. I then take Sunday off. But I like having the company of my wonderful wife while going through my morning ablutions. If I didn't then I would have much bigger problems.
On days when I go into the office I shave and shower at 5am. On days when I work from home I usually shave around 8am, walk to the "office" and start working. As [MENTION=93996]DCRIII[/MENTION] mentioned if you're not single you're going to get interrupted. If it's a Zen thing, you need to focus and just keep your Zen throughout the interruptions - when you can successfully do that you've graduated to Zen master. I'm not there yet :)
Morning shaver here and we only have one bathroom I can use. Unfortunately they other upstairs bathroom has a low mirror which cuts off right below my chin. It is for the kids if you will. I use a small master bathroom with just one sink and very little counter space. I keep my tub of cream and brush there and that is it. My wife and I work in the same building, for the same company, during the same hours. We also drive into work together every day. Typically we get up at 5:30, I let the dog out and she gets in the shower. I usually strop my razor if I didn't do it the night before or take a snooze waiting for her to get out. I shower and shave while she gets dressed and puts on her make up in the bedroom. Then she dries her hair in the bathroom after I finish shaving.

I just need to make sure to wash all the shavings down the drain and dry the sink top. Otherwise she gives me a hard time. She will very rarely interrupt me in the mornings, and only if something is important. She is good about that. Occasionally my 3 year old will wake up while I am shaving and will come in to pee and ask me what I am doing. He uses our bathroom in the morning rather than his own. Every now and then my wife will sleep in a little. Then I get complaints about how much time I am spending in the bathroom, because she is running late. In my mind (and reality) I take 20 to 22 minutes to shower and shave in the morning. Every morning, same amount of time. If she sleeps in, apparently it takes me 30 minutes or more and we are late because of my shaving obsession...
Im fortunate enough to have my own half bathroom downstairs that i use to shave in. The kids have a bathroom, the old lady have the entire master bathroom for whatever chaos women create in that place, including the entire walk in closet. I have a toothbrush and a simple kit up there just in case I find myself throwing a shave on my sink, but otherwise I keep my business downstairs. It also serves as functional and interesting decorations for the guests.
I don't have my own shave den. I do have my own sink in the bathroom though which until recently seemed to work great...but it seems lately my wife finds a way to mess up my Zen moments... whether it is going in there because the kids made a mess or she has to use the toilet or she takes a bath.

How do the others that have to share your bathroom keep from getting interrupted?

We have 5 bathrooms so I have my own shave cathedral which is my private shave sanctuary.


I live at home and all my sisters always complain about me taking too long on the days that I shave. Then when I am out they make comments about "a family of beavers" taking over the bathroom. I guess my rush cleaning job to let them in always leaves a few hairs and puddles of water lying around.

I wake up with lots of extra time so that i can eat and start shaving before my sisters get up (they plan right down to the last minute so any delay on my part drives them nuts). I couldn't care less though about my sisters banging on the door and getting angry I suppose your wife though is a totally different story.
Generally I shave so early in the morning during the week that I am only interrupted by crows from my rooster Frankie. Weekends on the other hand are rarely the same. If you ever read through my journal you would find I have had many an interesting "shared air space" experience while shaving. I have become quite skilled at continuing to shave while being pushed around so SWMBO can access her items under the sink. Since I am shaving with a straight razor (or worse, a Feather DX) the potential for injury is sometimes quite high. Over time I have learned a few do's and dont's...

Shave naked-if kids (teens in my case) are always interrupting, it only takes one "dad's shaving naked" interaction to stop that. Therapy is on them, at least I get to shave in peace. It's interesting but even our wives will resist breaking in on a naked man.
Share a shower- I have a two headed shower and shower with SWMBO on the weekends, this means I get HOT water and the opportunity to claim space on the counter while she is still figuring out what to wear ...BEFORE the hair and make-up session.
Claim the upper hand early- Whether you choose to shave naked (or in a kilt like me) or not, stake your claim early in the game and be proactive. Put your brush in a bowl on the counter to soak, lay out your gear, install a cool shaving mirror. Start small and slow (that's how they do it) and slowly take over more and more space. Be careful not to move to fast or its over.
Hide your stuff- I have acquired so many soaps, brushes, smell good splashes, razors and who dads that I cant possibly fit it in ANY single cabinet. I built secret shelves behind my clothes in the closet (my aftershaves and cologne goes there), moved the clothes out of one entire dresser drawer to put my soaps and some razors, installed secret shelves under the sink to hold more soaps (install the shelf HIGH along the top and she will never see a thing), I have shoe boxes under the bed and a few other places that I was able to stick them and of course I have modified the one small shelf I got in the bathroom so it has more shelves above it and in the back. If you get your gear out the night before you should be able to maintain the secret for quite some time AND claim counter space before it is even a though in her head.
"It's a PIF honey"- if you do get caught with a bunch of new purchases, tell her it is a PIF from Pete or Dave (Pete and Dave are my go to guy's, my wife think half my crap came from them or is on loan from them.
Buy random $1 jewelry from china- If you buy "special gifts" for your wife from china (I chose jewelry that could be found for about $1) you can convincer her that any package that arrives may have a special gift. order in bulk and any time you end up getting caught with an item arriving at your home address, pull out the trinket and make the comment "geeze, these people in China sure do send things in big boxes, just look at how much space they wasted". (*don't worry, the Chinese trinkets will break or tarnish so you will always have a reason to get more)

Roll your eyes ...or even THINK about rolling them- If you are pushed around or nudged while trying to shave, NEVER roll your eyes and for God's sake don't even think about saying something snarky like "This blade is so sharp you could have made me cut my throat clean through by pushing me to the side so you could get your hair gel out from under the sink". If you are ever think of saying that or something similar just say "That's alright, I have a steptic pen that should stop the blood flow". You may get slapped regardless of what you say so be prepared to ACTUALLY bleed.
Have stuff sent to your home- A wise shopper makes use of delivery's to the office. By having items shipped to the office you can take photo's and post them here for us to see AND you can sneak them home and into that dresser drawer.
Make her smell every new soap or aftershave- contrary to popular belief our significant others can count. If you share too many different scents with her she WILL figure out how much you REALLY have. If you do want her to smell something because its super cool ..."honey, check out what Dave sent me ...do you like it?" if pressed for why Dave would send you something out of the blue, you tell her you traded the soap/aftershave/razor that Pete sent you. The circle never ends so you should be good to go.

If all else fails, get her her own brush, soaps and DE. If she is as in to the stuff as you are the only obstacle is your credit card limit ...and she will be in the shower shaving her legs nearly as long as you are at the sink shaving your face.
Chris, this is the epic dos and don't of Shaver Self-Preservation.

I think I may use it as my Screen Desktop to keep it in constantly view.

Say Hi to Frankie.. I love to hear Roosters in the morning.
I have a standard and unassuming three bedroom house but with three bathrooms and am seriously considering adding a forth in the basement for guests because I find having your own bathroom a zen moment every single day.
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