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The Ugliest Razor We Have Ever Seen Contest! Winners in Post #174


I wanna be sedated!
Most of these are still ugly.
I don't want any stuff, but a custom title would be cool. :001_smile
View attachment 171690


Can you pick a few out of that mess to photograph. I am not sure I could even put that pile of yuch in a category. :wink2:

Okay, where do I pick up my prize?

Edit: JoshuaNY beat me to the punch yesterday...." What If I post a Fusion Pro Gluide. Will that count? ". How 'bout we split it Joshua?
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An eBay seller once sent me a Neillite in a very flimsy envelope. The head was shattered, but the handle was okay. He returned my money, and didn't want the parts back.

Another order had a mint cased Micromatic, which was the part I wanted, but also a New with a handle that was split in two.

The New head and Neillite handle came together in this hybrid. It's ugly, but it is shaveworthy.

Oh, don't enter me to win. I have plenty of stuff already. Just thought I'd show the picture.



Pretty Pink Fairy Princess.
After seeing some of the entries, I'm happy I didn't enter may black and red set. He's a handsome boy by comparison and would have been severely traumatized if I thought he was qualified. The Spawn of Satan above gets my vote.
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I wanna be sedated!
After seeing some of the entries, I'm happy I didn't enter may black and red set. He's a handsome buy by comparison and would have been severely traumatized if I thought he was qualified. The Spawn of Satan above gets my vote.

I don't know Georg that Red and Black is pretty bad.
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