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The new tallow-free Haslinger Schafmilch: just as amazing!

I don't want to get into a lengthy debate, and I doubt you do, either. I am not trying to implicate all tallow in the world. Granted, BSE is rare.

BSE is transmitted by prions, not bacteria or viruses. Prions can survive the rendering process. The outbreak of BSE in cattle in the UK resulted in roughly 180,000 animals being infected, around four million destroyed as a control measure. Prions are thought to have infected the animals through meat-and-bone-meal from sheep. Meat-and-bone-meal is a product of rendering. Prions were able to survive rendering. There have been cases of suspected transmission of BSE to humans through medical instruments, though very rare.

Many scientists say around 60% of human diseases originated from animals and perhaps 75% of newly emerging diseases will. There are quite a lot of EU regulations about the importation and use of ingredients derived from animal products, some of which apply to tallow. It may be easier for a business person to just bypass all that by not using animal-derived ingredients if possible. Haslinger must have gone through a lot of effort.
Apparently there was some confusion..........you had mentioned that BSE was ONE concern, as if there were others. I was only pointing out that every other type of pathogen BESIDES prions would be inactivated by rendering and saponification.

It’s a bit insulting to me that you apparently thought an infectious diseases doctor wouldn’t know that BSE is caused by a prion and that you thought I wouldn’t know that they could “survive” the rendering and saponficiation process, but I’m in a forgiving mood. (I put survive in quotations because, as you know, they are not alive to begin with.)

It’s no skin off my nose if you want to use vegan products for your shave. More power to you. I certainly hope you don’t eat meat. As far as I know, all human cases of variant Creutzfeld-Jacob disease (the name given to BSE in humans) were acquired by INGESTION.

I use both vegan and tallow soaps; whatever lathers well and provides me what I need for my shave. But I repeat, I have nothing against anybody who chooses to eschew tallow soaps. I only commented because it seemed to me that you were trying to scare people away from tallow soaps, and I don’t think that is necessary. People should be able to decide for themselves what they want to use as shave products without the scare tactics, in my opinion.

Carry on, and enjoy your shaves.
Ugh. Another bit of bad news I find since returning to the forums
Luckily instill have a shave stick I made of schafmilch, as well as a half a pick and a fresh one. Also one coconut and one aloe that's the old tallow.
I wish they would have just sold both like most companies do. Hate to see such a change from such an old company.
I realize many say it's the same, but I have my doubts. I guess I'll grab one new one next time I order from maggard and see, but I have a bad feeling it won't be the same as my beloved schafmilch of old...

I will be a let down, because you already have a negativity bias ;) It's just an old lore, mainly by US shavers, that tallow somehow makes a soap better. I guarantee you couldnt tell in a blind test, the old from the new.
Just picked up my first puck. I usually use MdC. My impressions are that it lathers up fast, and the lather was slick and creamy. Post shave feel is nice. Scent is kinda meh for me. Kind of powdery which I am not a huge fan of. All in all a good soap, but won't be knocking MdC out of my personal top spot.
Just picked up my first puck. I usually use MdC. My impressions are that it lathers up fast, and the lather was slick and creamy. Post shave feel is nice. Scent is kinda meh for me. Kind of powdery which I am not a huge fan of. All in all a good soap, but won't be knocking MdC out of my personal top spot.
I agree -- The Schalfmilch (Sheep's Milk) variety is fine but not my favorite Haslinger. It's floral scented, as is their Marigold, and much as I love the smell of flowers, floral-scented soap is not my favorite. Strange as it may sound, try Seaweed, or Aloe. Those have none of the "powdery" scent of Schalfmilch. The only variety I really don't care for is Honey. Somehow, it makes me feel like I'm spreading food all over my face.
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