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The Great Canadian Pass Around Box 5 (Signup + the round) CTB5


The v2 Hawk aluminum model is medium aggressive IMO. The Feathers will work wonderful but my favorite blade is the Schick Proline, so smooth and plenty sharp.
View attachment 1848373
I may have to revisit the Prolines in the future. I found them rougher, less sharp than other blades, but that was very early in my use of AC SE so may have been lack of experience.

Sadly the price of AC blades seems to have jumped recently :/


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
I really enjoyed the RR Hawk shaves when I had the box. I am sorry that I didn't document everything while it was in my possession. I wanted to swap razors, so I kept the Hawk and added a user grade Fatboy and Slim and the Floyd Original aftershave sample.

View attachment 1848402

Awesome and do not worry about the updates, it happens.
Used the Slim adjustable today with a fresh Derby.
I'll be shipping this box along tomorrow and will post any swapping that I do. Question: anyone know what this blade fits in to? I don't recognize this SE format.


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
@Leverspro, that’s the blades that I included to fit the valet razor. They need to slide in the mechanism and then the lever a the back will hold the blade securely.

If you go back a few pages, I posted a link to the instructions on how to load the valet. I’m on my phone at the moment.


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
I hope this works

Box will be shipped to @nlife in the next day or two, depending on when I can get out to do it. Box presently weighs eight pounds and has an eleven pound limit.
This is what I kept.The Gillette adjustable, a chunk of Tabac, I finished the KMF Grapefruit sample (there is still a second one).

This is what I added.
The red handled Omega boar.
And I swapped the Derby blades in the black case for the Personna.
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Final shave post for me using the Gillette adjustable from the box with a Derby and a chunk of Tabac. Very good shave. Raining here today which means I'll drive to work instead of walking and I'll be able to take the box with me and get it shipped on lunch break.
Thanks to @Luc for putting this together. It was a great experience.


Just curious which ones do you like?

My first was a RazoRock Hawk V3A, despite the A for "aggressive", I find it on the milder end of medium, and use Feather Pro Supers in it, it's a good shaver and nice when I want a "milder" AC shave.

I then got a Blackland Vector (closed comb), it's an efficient and comfortable razor. Just normal Feathers in this one. The Pro Supers are overkill in it for me.

I enjoy and use both often. Both have less potential for irritation than a DE.


My wallet cries.
My first was a RazoRock Hawk V3A, despite the A for "aggressive", I find it on the milder end of medium, and use Feather Pro Supers in it, it's a good shaver and nice when I want a "milder" AC shave.

I then got a Blackland Vector (closed comb), it's an efficient and comfortable razor. Just normal Feathers in this one. The Pro Supers are overkill in it for me.

I enjoy and use both often. Both have less potential for irritation than a DE.

I gotta revisit my ac razors, I remember really liking them but for some reason have veered away? And its an area I haven't kept myself updated on for new razors etc.. I have a OREN I used to like using.. the Vector is at a level thats a reach for me unfort.. oh the Colonial General? Was that the name of it? Gotta be my favourite razor. I have some version of the Hawk, its aluminum, I remember not enjoying it as much, for myself anyways.


I gotta revisit my ac razors, I remember really liking them but for some reason have veered away? And its an area I haven't kept myself updated on for new razors etc.. I have a OREN I used to like using.. the Vector is at a level thats a reach for me unfort.. oh the Colonial General? Was that the name of it? Gotta be my favourite razor. I have some version of the Hawk, its aluminum, I remember not enjoying it as much, for myself anyways.
I've heard lots of great stuff about the Colonial. Definitely more options available now though, from mild to wild.

A recent release (preorder) that I found intriguing as well is the Alpha Shaving 'Spirit', but am better at exercising restraint nowadays. Will be eagerly awaiting reports about it tho!
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