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Bigfoot & Bagel aficionado.
And this is what happens when you try to put Batman in a tux..........

Hey there stranger. I was thinking of you tonight as I was eating the finest BBQ brisket outside of Texas (can you believe it's made by a real Texan right here in Green Bay, WI?).

I can believe it, though I bet he's glad to be in Wisconsin when it's 108 in North Texas. So glad you've found a pusher--er, restaurant.

How are the little soapboxes?

Everyone is fine. Little soapbox is beautiful, spunky, playing soccer and dancing, whip-smart, and quickly becoming a three-year-old bossypants. Soapbox Jr. is a handsome, fun, vocal little guy with muscles to spare. Neither one likes their veggies, and for now, they both love each other's company.

My straight razor journey continues, and I'm learning a lot and getting great shaves. I've even started honing my own razors. Mom and Dad's business continues to flourish despite a crap economy, and that means they need to charge more (ha!).

In all, things are good. I'm just as busy as a one-armed paper hanger and don't have any time for B&B!
I did my very first solo honey harvest tonight. I only got stung once and the honey is so pure it's clear AND it tastes like MARSHMALLOWS!! :drool:
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