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Some Purchases from Yaqi Company

There are numerous positive reviews of Yaqi brush products floating around on Badger and Blade, so I decided to take the plunge into direct-from-factory ordering and pick up a few items from their AliExpress store. Considering my interesting experiences with them so far, I figured it might be worth sharing, for the good of all you lovely people. :001_302:

Ordering on the AliExpress site was a bit of a headache, with some hidden fees for certain payment options and one failed transaction (because of a coupon that was offered as part of my initial registration then deemed 'expired' twenty minutes later...). Nevertheless, my order went through eventually. My purchase, which took about 20 days to reach me after ordering, consisted of the following:
  • Yaqi 26mm Mysterious Space brush with tuxedo synthetic knot (1)
  • Yaqi 30mm Monster Barbershop brush with tuxedo synthetic knot (1)
  • DLC-Yaqi Open Comb razor (1)
  • Yaqi razor stand for 24mm brushes (3)

The first thing I noticed was just how huge these brushes are! I thought that my Simpson Chubby 2 was a big brush, but both of these Yaqi brushes are much larger in both size and knot bloom.

The tuxedo knots in both of the brushes are quite soft and densely packed. The Mysterious Space brush, which is 26mm at the base, has a knot bloom about as dense as my Simpson Chubby 2, giving it significant backbone. The Monster Barbershop brush is not as densely packed, and probably contains about as many hairs as the Mysterious Space brush if I had to guess, but still is quite densely packed. It is worth noting, however, that the hairs in the Yaqi brushes are quite different from those in my Chubby 2, which is also a synthetic brush. While the hairs in the Chubby 2 are very similar (almost identical) to high-quality badger hairs in terms of thickness and durability, the Yaqi hairs are more akin to the hairs you would find in a woman's makeup brush. This is possibly unsurprising, given that Yaqi makes women's brushes as well, but it's worth noting that these knots are not interchangeable in terms of quality.

I have yet to use either brush during my shaves, as they both arrived giving off a chemical odor. I have, however, been breaking them in with a lather every day or so, until the smell dissipates. As you can see, both brushes are capable of making wonderful lather (the shots below are with Taylor of Old Bond Street Sandalwood). Unfortunately, I did notice that the lather and water coming from the Mysterious Space brush was brown for the first two lathers. It is always worth cleaning a new brush before using it, but I found that discouraging. Luckily, however, neither brush shed more than a few hairs in this process. Like all synthetics, they dry quickly, and quite honestly probably dry faster than my Chubby 2.

Over the coming week or so, I will be testing out both of these brushes, so keep an eye out here for my in-depth reviews of their performance. However, I did test out the DLC-Yaqi OC razor this morning, so let's dive right into that!

The razor itself has quite a long open comb, which was one of the things that drew me to it. I actually didn't intend to buy a razor from Yaqi, but the cost and open comb sold me on the idea. Size-wise, it is just a tad smaller than my Merkur 23C in both length and head width. More noticeably, the Yaqi razor is rather top-heavy. I'm not sure if the handle is hollow, but it is made of aluminum, as opposed to the zinc alloy head. The finish is the same, however, and they make an attractive pairing.

Unfortunately, the razor does not function quite as nicely as it looks. The posts on this razor are rather fat, which meant that I had to force my razor blade (a Gillette 7 O'Clock Sharp Edge Yellow) into position. The posts are also short, and it feels like you need to over-tighten the handle just to get the blade to keep from wiggling about.

As you can see above (kinda), there is significant blade exposure with this head, both on the cutting edges and the sides. The significant overhang on the sides is more of a cosmetic issue than anything else, but is rather annoying when trying to load and unload the blade from the head. The extreme blade exposure, combined with the rather shallow blade angle, make this quite an aggressive tool. Adding into consider the weight of the razor head meant that I really only had to glide the razor over my face to get a very close shave.

As far as the handle is concerned, the tooled grooves help prevent finger slippage up-and-down the handle, but seem to encourage slipping around the circles themselves. I found myself having to be careful with my hold of the razor when the handle was wet, and even had to stop to dry it off at one point. That is not a big deal, but it is something to keep in mind.

The last piece I haven't mentioned yet is the brush stand, which I ordered 3 of because of its cheap price. The stands seem to be solid, single-piece constructions, and have a guide indentation in the back in case you want to mount it on the wall. It is too small for either of the brushes I ordered, but it does hold up my smaller brushes quite nicely. It seems like it would be rather difficult to mess up a plastic brush stand, and I am glad that they are the quality that they are.

I will be posting more detailed reviews of the brushes, as well as updates on the razor, as I continue to use them, so be sure to check back here and on my shave journal for more on that! I hope this was helpful for someone considering these products! Let me know in the comments if you have any questions, or would like different pictures, etc.

Good deal. Ive got a few Yaqi brushes on order and look forward to them getting here. I have heard that Yaqi brushes seem bigger than the specs would lead to believe.
Yesterday was my first live-fire test with the Yaqi Mysterious Space Synthetic, and it was quite an interesting experience! The brush itself is not as soft on the face as my Simpson Chubby 2 Synthetic, but seems to have a bit more backbone. I would attribute that to a combination of the different fibers in the knot, and how densely they are packed (the knot itself has the same size bloom as my Chubby 2 despite being 4mm smaller at the base).

In the hand, the brush is a nice shape, and the middle ridge provides a nice place to rest the handle between the thumb and first finger. Its larger size means that it does not cramp my hand after prolonged use, as I sometimes find with my smaller Edwin Jagger Best Badger brush. The handle, however, is a little heavy at the base. This is not necessarily a bad thing, but is worth keeping in mind, depending on what shape and size handle you are used to using.

Like all synthetics, this brush requires very little water only on the tips before lathering. Interestingly, this brush manages to keep the large majority of the lather at the very tip of the hairs. This is a nice change of pace from my Chubby 2 Synthetic, which frequently tends to hide lather in the body of the knot. Thankfully, the knot maintains its general bloom even when laden with lather, a problem I have seen other B+B users complain about with cheaper synthetic brushes.

After about a half-dozen test lathers, the brush has stopped emitting the chemical smell that it initially had out of the box. That being said, it still does not smell solely of the product I used (Truefitt and Hill Grafton cream), so it may be either retaining some scents or still emitting an albeit faint chemical odor.

The brush dries quickly (within an hour or so). Once dry, simply running the brush over your palm will separate the clumps of hairs that joined together (as often happens when synthetics dry). Unlike my Chubby 2 Synthetic, which tends to clump hairs together in small clusters, this brush's hairs tend to clump into 3-5 large clusters. That may be due to the relative thinness or different materials of the Yaqi knot, but it is only a minor point.
What about the razor build quality? I'm very interested in buying a new razor this week and the yaqi rag1604 caught my eye.
What about the razor build quality? I'm very interested in buying a new razor this week and the yaqi rag1604 caught my eye.

My razor is a decent quality, and I don't see any of the plating or casting bumps that you sometimes get with cheap razors. The head threads well into the handle, and the whole assembly looks quite natural together. The razor isn't very balanced weight-wise, however, but that I think comes down more to the lightness of the handle than anything else. They are made of two different metals, so you might want to look into that for your purchase. That being said, as I mention above, the actual design of the razor head and handle I have leave something to be desired. I have heard good things about their closed comb razors, so depending on the price it might be worth trying it out and just using it as a travel razor if it turns out to not be the greatest. Ultimately, for the price I paid the razor is a nice addition to my collection, although I will have to keep testing blades with it to find one that pairs well without being too aggressive.
I have nothing to back this up... but I'd wager that Yaqi MAKES the Bevel razor. :001_unsur :001_tongu

I think it's probably more like Yaqi uses the same supplier as Bevel. Yaqi is a brush manufacturer (they mostly make makeup brushes and apparently only recently within the last few years started on shaving brushes) so they probably also outsource it to a partner.
I think it's probably more like Yaqi uses the same supplier as Bevel. Yaqi is a brush manufacturer (they mostly make makeup brushes and apparently only recently within the last few years started on shaving brushes) so they probably also outsource it to a partner.
Is someone gonna take one for the team at $24? The Yaqi finish actually looks better than the one on the Bevel site. I'll have to read some reviews.

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Interesting thoughts on the razor.
I have two of their DOC "mellon" razors and find them to be fairly mild. Their closed bar "scalloped head" is much more efficient and has a bit of blade feel.

I can use the DOC and get a DFS but with their scalloped head, it's a BBS every time! :)
Give their Yaqi Beast Hybrid Easy Flow Razor a shot Nav. Mine is great, I do love "blade" though.

Here's a couple of shots of my customized version:
View attachment 944802

View attachment 944803

I did a review of this head a couple of months ago. I couldn't get on with it as it's far too aggressive for my skin.

I find their scalloped head to be a good balance between efficiency and smoothness but leaning just slightly towards aggressive (like 45:55 smooth: aggressive ratio). That little bit of blade feel is nice but at the top of my skins limit.
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