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Sledgehammer PIF

I'm in! PIF me a Sledgehammer. Thanks for the chance. I regularly volunteer at Care and Share (the local food bank) and donate pretty much every month. Next donation will be when I work there on Saturday. Good luck to all who enter!
I'm in. PIF me a sledgehammer! We often make admission to Scouting events cost a couple of cans for the food bank. I will ask at the meeting tonight for us to do a drive - because I know the pantries are hurting here.
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No thanks on this PIF. Great idea though.

We'll think of you next weekend when we put some food/bucks in the food pantry offering containers. This was something we did occasionally before I started working in the public school system. Once my eyes were opened, took a day or two, this became a weekly occurrence.

I see too many kids during the school year who aren't eating enough or are eating nothing but junk food.

Keep up the good work!
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