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(Slaps link to thread) You Can Fit So Much Wrong In This Journal

A cabinet full of soaps and I've never tried Arko! I need to get a stick someday. It seems to have quite a following...is it because it's awesome soap, an awesome value, or is it more like Vegimite; something that's an acquired taste, but once acquired, never lost?

Part of the allure is the polarizing nature of the "scent". Some can't stand it, others have no issue. I am in the latter camp. It has a lemon citrusy scent reminiscent of the laundry scents used way back in the day before we discovered lavender and mountain fresh. Not bad, not outstanding, just there. But ARKO! lathers well above its price point, producing an abundance of slick lather with minimal effort. The scent is very light and one that is easily overpowered by any choice of aftershave or cologne/EDT.
I had the fortune to participate in the B&B soap sample pass around boxes where I learned I liked Martin de Candre and disliked Arko! From the rest of the four boxes, nothing else really stuck out. this was rather disheartening as Arko! was more in my budget back then. That didn’t stop me from falling completely into the software rabbit hole. The only soap that has given me problems was Cella Red. My skin reacted fairly poorly with it.
OK. I just ordered a 3-pack from Amazon. Should be here tomorrow. Looking forward to a weekend test drive!
I'm fine with the scent (I actually like it). As mentioned before though, it fades quick anyways. But the performance is excellent. I use it with no bowl, I load the brush right on the puck and straight to my face.
Very convenient for traveling!
For the price it's unbeatable and I consider it to be one of the best soaps out of the ones I've tried.
I alternate between Arko and TOBS Cedarwood & Mr. Taylor's. My 3 favorites!


Lounging On The Isle Of Tugsley.
Modern May

Last night’s cap-riding shave of awesomeness
Fatip Grande
Sharp Titanium (7)
Damp facecloth aka “shave binky
Whipped Dog Butterscotch 30mm boar brush
Pre-shave: warm shower :001_wub:
Lather: ARKO!; face-lathered
Aftershave: Ulm Nom
Post-shave: face wash with shave binky and a drop of hyaluronic acid
Post-shave: Equate moisturizer

With help from @WThomas0814 in the “Cult of Arko” thread, I applied a rich, slick lather. And then I managed to water it down, too, without dipping my brush in extra water. Managed a close, comfortable shave that took longer than desired and I think I’ll go back to other brushes for this particular soap for now. The Fatip Grande and Sharp Titanium blade kept on keeping on.

Piggy brush bristles shampooed and rinsed to remove humanity from brush. Hello, moderately lofted synthetics!

Unfortunately my skin has issues with Arko and Cella Red. Two popular products.

Ouch. Can you use Cella green? It doesn’t have the benzaldehyde used in the tallow version.

Please know I’m jealous whenever Stirling Vanilla Sandalwood makes its way into your rotation.

Happy shaves, everyone!


Lounging On The Isle Of Tugsley.
It’s what gives Cella Red its almond smell and might not be what irritates Gene’s skin (there’s also a cherry fragrance), so your guess is still better than mine, Michael.

Cella green might be nice if you need to restock, but no soap or cream is a must-have if you’re holding onto a several years supply. In my bloviated opinion, at least.


Ditto, ditto
It’s what gives Cella Red its almond smell and might not be what irritates Gene’s skin (there’s also a cherry fragrance), so your guess is still better than mine, Michael.

Cella green might be nice if you need to restock, but no soap or cream is a must-have if you’re holding onto a several years supply. In my bloviated opinion, at least.
So, 11.3 years +/- a couple of months is excessive? 🤣😂
Talking about ARKO! s encouraged. Using ARKO! even mores. Lurving ARKO! is personal and optional.

Two things: Don’t judge its scent by the initial citronella attack and remember there are soo many other soaps if ARKO! doesn’t work for you.
I am trying to figure out how to get a back home into my bedroom so I can make a soace for the three ARKO tube's amidst the (scarry) number of tubes, creams, pucks, etc.

Any more shaving gear and I might qualify for a hoarders award.
Any more shaving gear and I might qualify for a hoarders award.
And the problem is...what? Try these "It's not a gang, it's a club" "I'm not a hoarder...I'm a collector"

If the "Hoard" gets too big
You'll need a new rig
To store all your soaps
That don't come with ropes...

And all Hoarder/Collectors
Know this to be true
The Bigger the Better
Really suits you

BADABOOM! It's always a pleasure...
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