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Slantember (Used to be September) Is For Slants! | Version 6 | 2023

Mon 11 Slantember
Soap & Aftershave
Cella Milano
Brush Boti 24mm Sunrise
Razor & Blade Yaqi Slant + American Shave Platinum
A richly creamy and slick lather whip-up by the nice brush...
Top aggressive slant razor tempered with the blade & safety shim. 3 loud passes for a bbs-dfs finish without any issues...
Hoffritz SuperSlant with its own dedicated locking handle
Wizamet SI
MWF Soap
Rubberset 400, with a Synthetic Tux in a self turned ferrule

I opened the handle about a half turn and locked it up for a great shave to start the week.

I've been away for a few days - so will catch up with this thread in the next few days.


I shaved a fortune
I had my first shave with the PAA Filament a few minutes ago.... I have to say... the blade alignment is wonky... but even on both sides. The blade doesn't line up with anything... not the bottom plate, not the cap..... but it is symmetrical. I guess you can't expect anything better than that.

How does it shave? With a Perma-Sharp (1), it was wonderful. I had to adjust to the extremely light weight, of course, but that didn't take long.

I think I'll use one of my favorite razors next: the ATT X1 AC Slant.... what a wonderful razor for me.
Hoffritz SuperSlant with its own dedicated locking handle
Wizamet SI
MWF Soap
Rubberset 400, with a Synthetic Tux in a self turned ferrule

I opened the handle about a half turn and locked it up for a great shave to start the week.

I've been away for a few days - so will catch up with this thread in the next few days.
Clouds inspired me to get some long metric M5x0.8 bolts and make a couple half-*ssed locking handles to enjoy his inspired solution to revving up mild heads.

I haven't turned (in wood) a presentation version yet, but I will give my current two locking handles an outing during Slantember. I might even get a nice one turned.

If you own a PAA monster slant and would like to try jazzing up the shave by locking it slightly open, I can send you a bolt (CONUS). No handle mod required. Just PM me.

I had to drill out and tap the Merkur handle.

Look through the length of your monster slant handle. You should see a clear channel. The PBOCS is not like that. I don't know about the Filament.

If you see daylight, I can supply you a 'lock' bolt to try, at least to a few interested shavers. I usually go with about a quarter turn open to rev my ElF.

Chan Eil Whiskers

Fumbling about.
Clouds inspired me to get some long metric M5x0.8 bolts and make a couple half-*ssed locking handles to enjoy his inspired solution to revving up mild heads.

I haven't turned (in wood) a presentation version yet, but I will give my current two locking handles an outing during Slantember. I might even get a nice one turned.

If you own a PAA monster slant and would like to try jazzing up the shave by locking it slightly open, I can send you a bolt (CONUS). No handle mod required. Just PM me.
View attachment 1716171
I had to drill out and tap the Merkur handle.

Look through the length of your monster slant handle. You should see a clear channel. The PBOCS is not like that. I don't know about the Filament.

If you see daylight, I can supply you a 'lock' bolt to try, at least to a few interested shavers. I usually go with about a quarter turn open to rev my ElF.

What a cool post, John.

I'm not particularly interested in making any of my razors more aggressive, but now I have a clue what you guys are talking about with these ultra-cool locking handles.

Happy shaves,

I have been terrible about posting here. I've missed a full week. I have used a sdlant and my SLOC everry day and have only missed one shave. Today was quite nice:

Slantember 11

Razor - German 37 and the SLOC
Blade - Bic Chrome Platinum
Brush - Zenith Manchurian
Soap - Mike's Barbershop (which does not remind me of a barbershop at all, but has a nice citrus scent and lathers up nicely)


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Slantember 2023

Razor: Ikon B1 Slant (TiBam Antique Ti Handle)
Blade: Personna Israeli Platinum Red (3)
Brush: AP Shave Co Red & Clear (AP Shave Co 30mm Cashmere Fan)
Bowl: Captain's Choice Copper
Lather: Mike's Natural Soaps - Orange, Cedarwood & Black Pepper
Aftershave: Clubman Pinaud Virgin Island Bay Rum
Fragrance: Belcam Volatile EdT Spray

Same kit as yesterday. Same excellent results! :thumbup:

Excellent shave! :cool:
I’ll search for the last signup entry. I have only shaved twice this month.

Preshave: showered with Provence Sante Big Vetiver Bar
Brush: RV Shaving 25mm STF
Bowl: Captain’s Choice Copper
Soap: Barrister & Mann Hallows
Razor:pAA Fakelite Filament
Blade: Vintage Personna Super Platinum Chrome (7)
Post: PAA Alum
Splash+Frag: B&M Hallows
9.7 DFS+ two passes drama free

I had a few days growth. I tried a WTG pass with the FOCS but that wasn’t happening. Determined to use a slant I grabbed my Filament. Just wow. Just as good as last time, but, even better shave results. For me it is that good. I could grab this just as easily as my Wolfman. I’m not parting from either of them or my vintage razors.It was great with the Filament, but, maybe it could have been thicker. Hallows in this new base is great. At least one of the old bases burned my skin. So this is a major improvement. The aftershave is a little different than previous versions. A little goes a long way with Omnibus. It also takes a lot water. At first it seemed like I had pushed it to far, but, the very wet lather was just great. I'll give the FOCS with some different lather. If not I will try a Grande. If I can't get on with any Fatip I will know I tried. I used my Hallows shave towel to dry off and I wore my Hallows shirt to my Appointment. I would also like to use my Above the Tie X1 at some point this month, but, who knows where it is. I found it very mild. I don't know the tool very well. AC razors my only experience is the OC Hawk V3. Once or twice and the X1 once or twice. It is an odd format for me.
Slantember 11 bedtime shave (side by side with Micromatic Monday)

>hot face wash with some slick hotel soap,
topped with Grooming Dept citrus pre-shave brushed in with a mini-badger

R >Maggard slant on locking Merkur handle, opened 1/8, Nacet (4)
L >Gem Junior / Gem PTFE (2)

>vintage Ever-Ready banded boar

> alum and Dickinson's Witch Hazel rinse

I didn't mess with the Maggard head during the shave, but I believe an eighth turn open is as far as I would want to go with it. Blade fit is a bit sloppy even fully tightened.

If you like to fiddle with alignment, the Maggard slant head is for you. I got a fine right side shave from it with the blade 'cap aligned' and locked 45° open.
Wunderbar, 3rd and final shave with the 7oc permasharp, Zenith 506All bleached, NSC Citrus&Ginger soap, Speick splash.
Next up: Gillette Wilkinson from India.

The continuous use of the WB during Slantember helps to get to know it again. The shaves are improving (or I got used to the razor), the exfoliating effect of the WB might also play a role, my skin is smooth as ever (in terms of bumps, not stubble).
Last night: my third Slant shave of SLANTember.

Brush: First time out with this Zenith horse hair brush. I was particularly taken by the handle. The hair of this brush is described as extra soft. It has less scritch than my other house hair brush, a Vie Long. Toward the end of the shave as I was squeezing later out if the brush, I caught a whif of horse, but it wasn't that bad. Excellent brush.

Cream: Proraso Protectivo. I face lathered, and particularly with horse hair brushes prefer to use something that starts with product on my face. In general, I prefer soaps to creams, but this one's pretty good.

Blade: Voskhod (2). The first time I ever used a Voskhod, I had one of those is-the-blade-really-there moments. It's a good blade for me, and I wanted to give my slant a better chance.

Razor: Fatip Open Comb Slant. This time out was better than the previous time (with a Shark Super Stainless with a bunch of shaves on it). While there was noticable blade fell, the shave was smoother. I thought there were a couple of small weepers on my neck, but the alum block suggested to the contrary.

Post-shave: Some CeraVe followed by some Nivea aftershave lotion.

2023-09-11 20.39.57-1.jpg

Ron R

I survived a lathey foreman
SLANTemper, Tuesday Sept 12th 2023

Razor : Razorock Wunderbar 316 SS polished slant with a modified Micromatic handle - Mfg 2017-22, mid to upper mid range + excellent machining and finish QC. This razor works well for myself with a steep angle(riding the bar) with a short handle + light touch well surprize a person for excellent results has been my experiences. The Wunderbar has been replaced by the RR Super slant and the super slant has been a successful razor from folks reviews who have bought it. I received a stellar comfortable close shave this morning and that is all a person can ask for IMO.
Blade : Gillette silver blue (2) sharp and smoooth with reasonable longevity. Top tier blade IMO.
Soap : Yaqi Musketeer rapier, a excellent scent (Aramis dupe) + excellent lather qualities. Yaqi commissioned Master soap creations of S.Africa to create their line of soaps and fragrances. Some of the best soap I have ever used!
Brush : Yaqi "Moka express" 26 mm husky synthetic knot. excellent lather generator, luxury cloud like soft tips, gentle splay scrubber + excellent lather painter. 26mm synthetic knots rock has been my experiences.
Pre shave : (Dedicated Cashmere synthetic)Brush wash whole face with CeraVe hand bar cleanser with a dollop of clear Aloe Vera on the cleaned beard area.
Prep : Cold water rinse after each pass of 2 + pickups. WTG + ATG + pickups.
Post shave : witch hazel soap residual cleanse +Yaqi Musketeer rapier splash + a dollop of CeraVe moisturizing lotion(scentless).
Results : 1-10 dial - Copy (2) 1 10.545 1.jpg or CCS,DFS,BBS + no irritation + no weepers=:a17: Excellent stellar comfortable close shave with my RR Wunderbar slant with a GSB blade.
SOTD September 12 2023.jpg

Have some great shaves!
Slantember 12

Razor - FOCS and the SLOC
Blade - Bic Chrome Platinum
Brush - Razorock Chubby (my current favorite brush).
Soap - The Dead Sea (my favorite soap)

I got the FOCS in late August and it is a very good shaver. Some things that keep me from LOVING it are:
* The razor is lighter than I prefer and the handle is shorter than I prefer.
* I can't put my favorite handle on it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Razorock Barberpole) It doesn't fit :-(
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