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Show off your holiday decorations.


Needs milk and a bidet!
65 and Sunny here today. Perfect time to put the decorations up. A trip to Home Depot and Boom!
Figured I might as well put the Christmas tree up too.
I don't think I'm done yet. I'm going to try to put some more out there, not sure what though.

It's not even Thanksgiving yet....:glare:

Yeah I know. I normally do wait until Thanksgiving (at least), but I've got a bunch of things going the next few weekends. So it was either do it early, or way late. I chose early :001_smile

We've also had our first snow. That gives permission, doesn't it?

We got ours today. Gonna let it settle before its decorated. We r leaving thanksgiving night so can't get it the day after thanksgiving like we usually do. Feels weird to have a tree before thanksgiving.
Yeah I know. I normally do wait until Thanksgiving (at least), but I've got a bunch of things going the next few weekends. So it was either do it early, or way late. I chose early :001_smile

We've also had our first snow. That gives permission, doesn't it?

Radio stations have been playing Christmas music for weeks now. Some places here put up Christmas decorations on Halloween even. I just wish this resulted in more presents for me :tongue_sm
It's a personal choice, but I much prefer to celebrate Thanksgiving before Christmas. TG is a very important holiday that tends to get lost in the Christmas rush.


Needs milk and a bidet!
I can celebrate Thanksgiving with Christmas decorations up. Also New Years. And even Easter :lol:
Those are some good looking trees gentlemen. So who's tree is real?

The week after Thanksgiving is when we typically pull out the Christmas decorations.
We like to put autumn-themed things throughout our house once the weather becomes fall-like. This is a nice theme heading into Thanksgiving. I like to do Christmas decorating the weekend after Thanksgiving and tear it down the weekend after New Years, but life doesn't always allow for that schedule. :001_smile
I can celebrate Thanksgiving with Christmas decorations up. Also New Years. And even Easter :lol:

Indeed... I had decorations up until Easter last year....but not because I wanted them up. They were still hard frozen to the ground/bushes (and under snow constantly to that point!). That was a heck of a winter.
My wife has a tradition, part of her Eastern European heritage, in which she displays Christmas themed Matryoshka dolls year round to bring good luck.


Tree goes up the weekend after Thanksgiving, but I may get the lights outside early depending on weather constraints.
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