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Sheaffer 330

A Sheaffer 330 -- appears to be very lightly used, if used at all -- arrived today. Except for the sac, which while quite supple is slightly discolored as if by ink, it looks absolutely pristine. Do the gents of this forum have any recommendations or cautions before I ink this pen up?

Two Esterbrooks should arrive later this week, one of which I may need to do some work on.

Thank you in advance for any guidance.



Lunatic Fringe
Staff member
Is that the newer 330 with the inlaid nib or the older celluloid pen? Anyway, I love Sheaffers.

A pic would be nice ...

I am a huge fan of Sheaffers. Great workhorse pens. I would be inclined, as others have said, to give it a good flush. I'm pretty sure the 330, while it looks like an aeormetic, is actually a squeeze converter that can be removed (my 440 is like that, and it appears 330s, at least of a similar vintage work the same way). If that is the case, I'd remove the converter and flush it on it's own, as well as soaking the pen. It is just much easier to get everything out this way.
Let's see if I can upload a couple of pictures.
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