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sensitive skin problems

Ya I have done the cold water after the shave and it does help I am working on my technique and it is starting to get better. I also want to prep soaps for better skin anyways so it helps even more and keep the skin healthy and iI purchased some soaps Mr glo and musgo real to help as well

Please let me know how it works. I decided to order some Proraso pre shave since I have used it before. Also, how is the Lucky Tiger working out for you?
Will do I ordered a pack of three pretty cheap off eBay. Ya I find the proraso pre shave to work well and sadly still don't have the lucky tiger yet cuz of the long weekend won't get it till Thursday probably
Ya I have done the cold water after the shave and it does help I am working on my technique and it is starting to get better. I also want to prep soaps for better skin anyways so it helps even more and keep the skin healthy and iI purchased some soaps Mr glo and musgo real to help as well
Keep us informed about it. ..
I'm a fellow sensitive skin person (especially the neck area), and have stuck to mild DE razors and do the usual prep - one big difference I've recently noticed that has so far (two shaves in) removed razor burn and redness (including from that dreaded neck area) entirely:

**Polsilver Super Iridium blades**

I've tried Merkur, Derby, Feather, Persona Reds (which are also good but don't quite cut it...so to speak pah hah), Bevel blades (that came with my Bevel Razor - also good but not as good as you-know-what), Persona Med Prep, Astra SP...NONE are as smooth yet sharp as Polsilver. It's a coated blade that seems to have the perfect balance between sharpness (no tugging) and smoothness (no burn!)

YMMMV (I've never used that abbreviation before but now see how useful it can be), but really - if your prep's good and your technique is decent and keeping all those variables equal: try Polsilvers. Please! THINK OF YOUR SKIN!

I am in no way endorsed by Polsilver but would like to be!
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1+ ^^As Above ^^

Polisilver do it for me too. Actually so do Swedish Super Steel and Sputnik although Sputnik feel a bit scratchy. No irritation though.
I find less prep is advantageous despite that going against the grain here. No pun intended.
Soaking the skin longer seems to make my skin soft which can add to irritation.

Short soak in cold water, sharp blade in a mild razor. Light touch, short strokes, shallowest angle possible.
Works for me.
I'm a fellow sensitive skin person (especially the neck area), and have stuck to mild DE razors and do the usual prep - one big difference I've recently noticed that has so far (two shaves in) removed razor burn and redness (including from that dreaded neck area) entirely:

**Polsilver Super Iridium blades**

I've tried Merkur, Derby, Feather, Persona Reds (which are also good but don't quite cut it...so to speak pah hah), Bevel blades (that came with my Bevel Razor - also good but not as good as you-know-what), Persona Med Prep, Astra SP...NONE are as smooth yet sharp as Polsilver. It's a coated blade that seems to have the perfect balance between sharpness (no tugging) and smoothness (no burn!)

YMMMV (I've never used that abbreviation before but now see how useful it can be), but really - if your prep's good and your technique is decent and keeping all those variables equal: try Polsilvers. Please! THINK OF YOUR SKIN!

I am in no way endorsed by Polsilver but would like to be!
You added one M too many, but that's OK. .maybe you meant YOUR MILEAGE MAY MIGHT VARY:laugh:
Please let me know how it works. I decided to order some Proraso pre shave since I have used it before. Also, how is the Lucky Tiger working out for you?

i have been using lucky tiger for a about a week, daily use, not just during shave and i must say its made a huge difference in my post shave. The first day i used it i found it really helped a lot especially since that day wasn't a very good shave. It helps with the irritation a lot and helps heal the face(at least in my case). mrtravelyan thank you for the input i haven't heard of those blades but i will look into buying a sample pack and see if that helps as well
i have been using lucky tiger for a about a week, daily use, not just during shave and i must say its made a huge difference in my post shave. The first day i used it i found it really helped a lot especially since that day wasn't a very good shave. It helps with the irritation a lot and helps heal the face(at least in my case). mrtravelyan thank you for the input i haven't heard of those blades but i will look into buying a sample pack and see if that helps as well
Keep us posted too.
I have sensitive skin also. These are the things that helped me work through the issues:
1. Take a shower first and then your hair will be hydrated.
2. Rehydrate your skin before applying lather.
3. The cold shave works for me. Note that cold water will hydrate the hair but it takes a little longer. 2 minutes instead of 1 for example.
4. I use a mild (medium mild) shaver: Muhle R89, Merkur HD 34C or Gillette Tech.
5. I use a sharp and smooth blade (Premium): Gillette Silver Blue, Personna Lab, Personna Med, Pol Silver SI. I could not use some of the blades recommended. I recommend getting a couple of sampler packs and see what works for you.
6. I use the minimum of force with short strokes. No repeat strokes without lather.
7. I do not try to use a blade too long. At the first sign of trouble, clean the razor and load a fresh blade.
8. Map your hair growth and develop a strategy to cut the hair most efficiently and save a pass or two.
9. I developed an allergy toward the essential oil used for the almond scent in about a 2 month span. You may have to cycle through a number of soaps / cremes to see they are compatible with your skin. Tabac, MWF and VDH Luxury seem to be compatible with my skin. Your list could be different.
10. Keeping with the cold shave, I rinse all the soap / lather off. This is where the witch hazel is good. Witch hazel on a cotton ball can break off the soap and check for leaks at the same time.
11. I have found that as my technique improved I do not need the moisturizer, witch hazel or after shave. Tabac and MWF both leave the face with a good post shave feel. Sometimes less is better.
12. The Omega #10049 breaks in quickly and you can make a lot of good lather with this brush. It also provides about the right level of exfoliation for my skin. If you shave daily, you would need a second brush so the #10049 can dry completely between uses. I have used a synthetic just to be sure there was no allergy toward boar or badger. I face lather exclusively but you may need more or less exfoliation and this will impact what brush or brushes you will need.
13. I shoot for DFS+ shaves instead of the BBS shave.
14. Don't give up. There has been much very good advice above.
15. Don't be afraid to experiment. When you do, change 1 thing at a time and shave that way for a week or two.
16. Journal so you can remember what worked and what did not work.
17. Turn your shaves into a pleasure.
that thread is crazy detailed, i read it once but i will probably read it a few time to fully understand the method but i might give that a try as well


Kyle did a fantastic job of putting this together. The point is beard prep is a very important step. We use the prep to get the whisker as soft as possible so the blade can make an easy cut. Since my skin is offended by 1) the hot water and 2) some soaps and cremes, I have had to make modifications to Kyle's method. I tried his method first and then made modifications after I ran into troubles with Valobra which contains Almond. I think it is worth the read.
I have sensitive skin also. These are the things that helped me work through the issues:
1. Take a shower first and then your hair will be hydrated.
2. Rehydrate your skin before applying lather.
3. The cold shave works for me. Note that cold water will hydrate the hair but it takes a little longer. 2 minutes instead of 1 for example.
4. I use a mild (medium mild) shaver: Muhle R89, Merkur HD 34C or Gillette Tech.
5. I use a sharp and smooth blade (Premium): Gillette Silver Blue, Personna Lab, Personna Med, Pol Silver SI. I could not use some of the blades recommended. I recommend getting a couple of sampler packs and see what works for you.
6. I use the minimum of force with short strokes. No repeat strokes without lather.
7. I do not try to use a blade too long. At the first sign of trouble, clean the razor and load a fresh blade.
8. Map your hair growth and develop a strategy to cut the hair most efficiently and save a pass or two.
9. I developed an allergy toward the essential oil used for the almond scent in about a 2 month span. You may have to cycle through a number of soaps / cremes to see they are compatible with your skin. Tabac, MWF and VDH Luxury seem to be compatible with my skin. Your list could be different.
10. Keeping with the cold shave, I rinse all the soap / lather off. This is where the witch hazel is good. Witch hazel on a cotton ball can break off the soap and check for leaks at the same time.
11. I have found that as my technique improved I do not need the moisturizer, witch hazel or after shave. Tabac and MWF both leave the face with a good post shave feel. Sometimes less is better.
12. The Omega #10049 breaks in quickly and you can make a lot of good lather with this brush. It also provides about the right level of exfoliation for my skin. If you shave daily, you would need a second brush so the #10049 can dry completely between uses. I have used a synthetic just to be sure there was no allergy toward boar or badger. I face lather exclusively but you may need more or less exfoliation and this will impact what brush or brushes you will need.
13. I shoot for DFS+ shaves instead of the BBS shave.
14. Don't give up. There has been much very good advice above.
15. Don't be afraid to experiment. When you do, change 1 thing at a time and shave that way for a week or two.
16. Journal so you can remember what worked and what did not work.
17. Turn your shaves into a pleasure.

thank you berry for your detailed list i appreciate it. I do have sample pack and i ma trying each one to see what gives a great shave, not only the first time, but multiple times. My biggest problem is aftershaves and preshaves, finding something to help that won't irritate my skin. I tried proraso white for both and especially with the after shave lotion i found it really irritated, burned and dired my skin right after use so still trying to find something that works
thank you berry for your detailed list i appreciate it. I do have sample pack and i ma trying each one to see what gives a great shave, not only the first time, but multiple times. My biggest problem is aftershaves and preshaves, finding something to help that won't irritate my skin. I tried proraso white for both and especially with the after shave lotion i found it really irritated, burned and dired my skin right after use so still trying to find something that works

I dumped the pre shaves and after shaves for the most part. I still have some Nivea After Shave Balm Sensitive left from when I started DE wet shaving. It does not cause skin issues for me at least. It definitely helps for razor burn. I have not even finished the one bottle. Prorazo white gives me irritation so I do not use it.

These promote healing or at least don't cause trouble: Nivea ASB Sensitive, Whitch hazel and alum block.

Irritation comes from many possible sources: dull or rough blade, failure to make good lather, poor prep, poor quality razor, using too much pressure, too many passes, low tolerance to a shave product, over exfoliation due to a brush or due to the blade, razor or technique.

Keep your shave simple. Omit the things which cause trouble.
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