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Saddam To Hang

Not really a big fan of capital punishment anyway. But I am with Andrew. I just don't think forcing someone to suffer physically, especially in terms of an agonizing death, is ever justified. I mean, they may deserve it. Not disagreeing there. But what is the point? Why? We are killing them anyway. Why demean the rest of humanity just by adding someone else's suffering to the mix?

Having thought more on the issue I have come up with the question: What is worse, a relatively quick death, be it painless or painful or the rest of your life in prison?

Is it hypocritical of us to be against a death that causes suffering, but for a sentence of life in prison?

As it stands right now I'm not sure how I feel about this.

Ahhh but you've been reading from the Christian holy book, not the Islamic one (e.g. Iraq....)
There is nothing in it[the Koran] to mirror that statement, unless I just missed it. I think what they will do to him is more along the lines of "the sand will flow red with the blood of the infidel and the jew"...
While on my stint in the desert I made an attempt to read the Koran, it's not a warm and fuzzy kindof book. I made it about 60 or 70% through it before more entertaining reading took over, (and my copy of the Koran was unfortunately misplaced during one of our various moves place to place.)
If we were trying him here, he'd be serving a 7 year sentence at club med, to be followed by a lifetime as a political commentator on CNN....

John P.
If it is the will of the State to have the death penalty then so be it. He was tried in the open in a fair manner, was allowed representation and the chance to defend himself, something he would have never himself allowed, I imagine the "kind" was to go was to be shot in the head as opposed to whatever vile punishments he imposed on his citizens during his regime.

However, I will say this, I think it far worse to be confined to to a small cell for the duration of one's life than to be put to death.
What a bloodthirsty bunch of 'gentlemen' we have here. Just an observation folks - not meant to criticize anyone.
I am in agreement with his hanging, but it will probably only serve to divide the Sunnis and Shi'ites further.
I believe that some leniency will be shown. His head will be placed on a pole after the hanging rather than before. I'm sure that will disappoint some here but others should be pleased.:behead:
Those who live by the sword sometimes die by the sword and of course it keeps the swordmakers in steady and profitable employment. Yeah! Lets execute him real slow. Maybe death by a thousand cuts with a rusty Mach 3? But in the time honoured tradition, let him request a last meal of his choice; he might choose a ham sandwich with a bit of mustard gas. Maybe he could be allowed to invite a few of his old buddies from the US of A and Great Britain to share his last supper. You know, the buddies who armed and backed him in the 70's and 80's, who sold him his chemicals and weapons and who are still free to drink their Martinis and watch the sun rise.


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I know that many people would argue that it would not solve anything at all and that it would label one as sadistic monster oneself but one would definitelly tortue that sadistic maniac! He does not deserve such death!!
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